State-owned Chinese firms are in discussions to sell high-speed trains to the UnitedStates, senior officials said on Thursday, a deal that would be likely to ignite controversy.

China'sleaders have been promoting the country's fast rail technologies in meetingswith foreign politicians as they seek to move the country's exports up thevalue chain, and Chinese companies are building high-speed rail networks inTurkey and Venezuela.
But a contract for a Chinese-led consortium to build a high-speed rail line in Mexicowas scrapped only days after it was signed, and a deal to supply subway trains to Boston also generated controversy.
For China to build infrastructure in the United States -- where a number of high-speed rail proposals have come to naught -- or supply it with rolling stock would be politically sensitive.
But Zhi Luxun, a senior official with the commerce ministry's foreign trade department, told AFP Thursday: "There are currently discussions with the United States."
He wasresponding to a question about possible Chinese exports of high-speed trains.
Officialsdid not provide further details and said it was a matter for the companiesconcerned.
Anumber of high-speed rail projects are under consideration in the United States including in Texas and Florida, but only one has entered the early stages of construction-- in California, under a Spanish consortium -- while others have fallen by the wayside.
Only begun in 1999, China's high-speed rail network has quickly become the largest in the world, with more than 16,000 kilometres of track in service last year,Zhi said during a briefing.

The country is also negotiating with Russia, Laos and Thailand on construction ofhigh-speed rail lines there, said Zhou Zhenwu, an official with the commerceministry's department of outward investment and economic cooperation.
China's railway equipment exports increased by 34.7 percent annually from $80 millionin 2001 to $3.74 billion last year, Zhi said.