This air base is thelargest in Siberia, Russia. Here they have interceptors MiG-31BM and theypreviously had Su-15TM, MiG-15, MiG-17.
Air base 6979 is aso-called air group, now. It used to be named after a guards air regiment, 712,that fought at the time of Great Patriotic War – initially in I-16 fighters,later – in La-5. From the mid 1980s to 1994 the airfield was used by a separateaviation rescue detachment that had An-12BP, Mi-8T, and a Tupolev amphibianaerosleigh in service.
Flight suits for airgroup members.
Aviation equipment.
Pilots are forbiddento dress themselves.
Flight suit storagerequires special conditions.
Missions areperformed strictly according to the schedule.
Military humor.
Like a corridor in achildren's camp!
"No entry". Thereis a mission control center there behind the door.
Loud speakercommunication microphone.
Special telephone.
Firing buttons!
It's probably moreinteresting to provide control from here than to fly a plane.
Military binoculars.
Real military MiG-31– two seat supersonic all-weather long-range interceptor.
MiG-31 is intended tointercept and destroy air targets at low, medium and high altitude, day andnight, in any weather conditions, when an enemy applies active or passive radarinterference.
A group of fourMiG-31 is able to control an air space of 800-900 km.
At high altitude thespeed of a MiG may reach 3000 km/h.
In December 2013 theair base started to use the modified version of MiG-31BM fighters.
The new modifiedaircraft have a new system of armament control and new side-looking airborne radar.Now it can detect targets at a distance of up to 320 km and simultaneouslytrack up to ten targets.
Military air basenear Kansk.