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For those frustrated by slow progress towards freeing up China’s tightly controlled currency, recent days provide an illustration of why authorities are determined to proceed with caution.

Emerging market currencies hit a 14-year low against the dollar this week, hit by concerns about rising debt and slowing exports in emerging markets.

Yet amid the turmoil the renminbi has been a relative bastion of stability. Even as the currency hit its weakest level against the dollar in four months on Tuesday at Rmb6.21, it was only a modest 1.6 per cent weaker than the seven-month high touched on October 31. By contrast, the JPMorgan Emerging Markets Currency Index fell 5 per cent over the same period.

然而,在一片震荡之中,人民币一直岿然不动,保持着相对的稳定。即使人民币兑美元汇率上周二触及6.21,创下4个月以来的最弱水平,这也只比10月31日触及的7个月来的最高点下跌仅1.6%。相比之下,同期摩根大通新兴市场货币指数(JPMorgan Emerging Markets Currency Index)下跌了5%。
“The jump in USD-RMB in the last two days is sharp by the currency’s own standards,” Wang Ju, forex strategist at HSBC, wrote on Tuesday. “However, given the movements in the rest of Asia, this partially represents a catch up with the likes of the Malaysian ringgit and the Korean won.”
Top Communist party leaders pledged in a landmark blueprint for economic reform last November to give market forces a “decisive role” in resource allocation. The plan contained an explicit reference to the exchange rate.
Yet despite such pledges, China’s management of its currency in recent days makes clear that authorities remain far from willing to fully deregulate the exchange rate or allow speculators free rein to send waves of capital sloshing in and out.
That means China is not about to witness the type of exchange rate moves common among its emerging market peers. Indeed, the memory of the 1997 Asian financial crisis, when China’s neighbours experienced uncontrolled capital flight and massive currency devaluation, remains fresh in the minds of senior policy makers.
The People’s Bank of China’s stabilising influence on the exchange rate is clear from the deployment of its daily fixing in recent days to restrain the renminbi’s decline.
The central parity rate, which signals the central bank’s intention for the exchange rate, is a midpoint from which the spot rate is permitted to fluctuate by 2 per cent above or below.
For most of the period since China’s landmark depegging of its currency in 2005, the renminbi’s spot rate consistently traded stronger than the midpoint, a sign that the fixing was acting as a check on market pressure pushing the renminbi higher.
But this pattern reversed late last month, after China slashed benchmark interest rates in an attempt to boost its economy, which is on course for its slowest full-year growth since 1990. The rate cut also coincided with an acceleration of the fall in other emerging market currencies that began in July.
Even as the spot rate weakened, the central bank set a series of progressively stronger midpoints, widening the gap between spot and fixing. While some viewed this divergence as a tug of war between the central bank and the market, the PBoC’s move was an effort more to moderate the renminbi’s fall than to actively pull it stronger.
“There are often times when the spot rate will depreciate, but the midpoint doesn’t follow the market downward. This indicates the central bank is sending a signal of stability to the market,” said Xie Yaxuan, economist at China Merchants Securities.
中国招商证券(China Merchants Securities)的经济学家谢亚轩表示:“往往会出现即期汇率下跌,但中间价并未跟随市场向下走的情况。这表明央行在向市场传达稳定的信号。”
The PBoC has probably also intervened in the market directly. Forex traders said they saw concerted renminbi buying by big state banks on Tuesday afternoon, following a big drop in the renminbi that morning.
Such action typically signals the central bank’s presence in the market.
While few expect rapid devaluation in the near term, many investors are starting to question the conventional wisdom that the Chinese currency is a one-way bet to appreciate.
Entrenched appreciation expectations are easy to understand. Apart from 2009, following the PBoC’s temporary return to a dollar peg during the height of the financial crisis, the renminbi has risen against the US currency every year since 2005. In a period when dollar, euro and yen interest rates were all near zero, higher yields available on renminbi assets added to the lure of the currency.
Now, however, some investors believe a new era of renminbi depreciation may be at hand, especially with the prospect of rate rises by the Federal Reserve next year. The renminbi is now down 2.1 per cent year-to-date in 2014.
Chris Morrison, portfolio manager of Omni Macro, a London-based hedge fund with $650m under management, estimates that China’s currency has appreciated by 45 per cent in inflation-adjusted, trade-weighted terms over the past five years. Omni took short positions in the offshore renminbi (CNH) market starting in January.
Omni Macro的投资组合经理克里斯•莫里森(Chris Morrison)估计,经通胀因素调整后的人民币贸易加权汇率在过去5年已累计上升45%。Omni Macro是一家总部位于伦敦的对冲基金,旗下管理着6.5亿美元资产。该公司从今年1月开始在离岸人民币市场建立了空头仓位。
“When you have an expensive currency that’s heavily owned for reasons of carry and then the economy slows and the central bank cuts rates, that’s a recipe for currency depreciation,” says Mr Morrison.
While many have assumed that China’s large trade surpluses inoculate the renminbi against depreciation, Mr Morrison points to the euro today and the Swiss franc in 2011 as cases where a currency depreciates despite current account inflows.
“Your macroeconomic policy objectives have got to be coherent with your FX policy. You cannot be in a situation where you want to ease policy and also have exchange rate appreciation. Those things don’t make sense together,” he said.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
stability [stə'biliti]


n. 稳定性,居于修道院

witness ['witnis]


n. 目击者,证人
vt. 目击,见证,出席,

acceleration [æk.selə'reiʃən]


n. 加速,促进,加速度

assumed [ə'sju:md]


adj. 假装的;假定的

decisive [di'saisiv]


adj. 决定性的

strategist ['strætidʒist]


n. 战略家,军事家,策士



adj. 被允许的 v. 允许(permit的过去分词)

massive ['mæsiv]


adj. 巨大的,大规模的,大量的,大范围的

consistently [kən'sistəntli]


adj. 一致的,始终如一的

proceed [prə'si:d]


vi. 继续进行,开始,着手





