A wedding is meant to be be one of the happiest days of a woman's life - but it certainly isn't that way for her closest friends.
A new survey has revealed the lengths some brides will go to in order to make sure she shines on her big day.

In a recent poll of 1,000 bridesmaids, 72 percent of those questioned believed they had been lumbered with an unflattering outfit to make the bride look better, with only a third given a choice in what they wore.
But most gave as good as they got - more than a fifth of bridesmaids have insisted on altering their outfit before they would participate in the wedding.
Even worse, the majority of those questioned admitted having negative thoughts about the nuptials they had attended.
It seems very few bridesmaids get any feelings of envy when watching their friends get hitched, in fact, 43 percent of women had been bridesmaids at a wedding which was a 'bit naff.'
A further 37 percent said they felt the wedding couple were mismatched and shouldn't be marrying, with more than half of those questioned admitting they had been bridesmaids at weddings where they were glad they were not marrying the groom.
The survey by online jewellery brand Vashi.com did show that the old impression of bridesmaids on the prowl for single man still applies these days.
A fifth of those asked said they had picked up up a new man when they have been a bridesmaid.
Some were wasting their energies on a lost cause though - six percent revealed they had secretly fancied the groom, with three per cent admitting they had even been romantically involved with the man of the hour before he met his bride.
Vashi Dominguez, founder and CEO of Vashi.com, said: 'We've all looked at wedding photos and thought, 'What are the bridesmaids wearing?'
Vashi.com的创始人兼CEO瓦希·多明戈斯(Vashi Dominguez)表示:“我们看着婚礼照片会想,‘伴娘穿的是什么?’
'Well, now we know the answer.'
He continued: 'In seven out of ten cases, the bridesmaids are convinced they have been lumbered with a dress to make the bride look prettier.
'I am sure most brides wouldn't see it that way and they would say that they chose bridesmaid dresses which went well with the wedding dress.
'The solution is for brides to relax a little and involve their bridesmaids more in choosing their outfits.'