Even as China’s economy has faltered, growing at its lowest pace in more than five years in the third quarter, the stock market has surged. Investors, it seems, are betting that the weak economy will force the central bank to pump cheap money into the financial system.

Other forces are at work. The launch of the Hong Kong-Shanghai stock connect, which will give foreign investors access to the Shanghai market, has stoked bullishness, amid expectations that foreign inflows will lift demand for shares once the pilot programme gets under way.
Chinese equities have outperformed every leading market for the past three months. The CSI 300, an index of large companies listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen, is up 13 per cent in that time, way ahead of India’s 0.5 per cent gain, the distant second best in Asia. The index hit a near 20-month high this month before retreating slightly.
中国股市过去3个月的表现比任何一个主要市场都强。由上海和深圳股市的大型上市公司组成的沪深300指数(CSI 300)在这3个月里上涨了13%,遥遥领先于亚洲涨幅第二的印度股市,后者上涨了0.5%。沪深300指数本月在创出将近20个月来的新高后小幅回落。
A disconnect between stocks and the wider economy is nothing new for China, but the relationship has usually been reversed. After hitting an all-time high in late 2007, the CSI 300 lost ground for four of six years between 2008 and 2013, even as the economy boomed. Even after recent gains, the index remains nearly 60 per cent below its 2007 peak.
Several factors explain the strong performance of mainland equities, known as “A-shares”, in recent months. Some see similarities to the performance of US and European markets since the financial crisis, where loose monetary policy boosted equity and bond markets as the real economy stagnated.
“In the US in 2010-12 the economy was in bad shape but the stock market rose. It’s the exact opposite of the A-share market of years past,” said Wu Weizhi, chairman of Rabbit Fund, a Shenzhen-based hedge fund.
中欧瑞博投资管理股份有限公司(Rabbit Fund)董事长吴伟志表示:“在2010年至2012年的美国,经济低迷,但股市上涨。过去几年的A股市场正好相反。”中欧瑞博是总部位于深圳的一家对冲基金。
“A lot of Chinese A-share investors are fairly optimistic about the stock market because they see this kind of change coming. The trend of falling interest rates is already quite clear. It’s just a matter of how low they’ll go.”
Other investors point to the influence of a weak property market. The dismal performance of equities in recent years helped fuel a real estate bubble. But property prices have fallen for four consecutive months and attitudes towards real estate as an asset class have begun to shift.
“From the perspective of asset allocation, the demand for funds from the real economy is gradually declining, so money will circulate in secondary markets,” said Gui Jiang, founder of Simpleway Asset Management. “But real estate has already hit a cyclical high point, so the stock market looks likely to become the main destination for funds.”
信璞投资管理有限公司(Simpleway Asset Management)创始人归江表示:“从资产配置的角度看,实体经济的资金需求在逐步下降,因此资金会在二级市场内循环。但房地产已经达到周期性高点,因此股市看上去很可能会成为资金的主要目的地。”
Others cite the impending launch of the stock connect programme, which will allow Hong Kong and foreign investors to buy a net Rmb13bn ($2.1bn) in 568 selected Shanghai-listed stocks a day, up to a total of Rmb300bn. The start date, originally planned for this month, is now uncertain.
Some offshore investors have been looking to pre-empt the stock connect by using existing channels to add exposure to China and exploit price gaps among dual-listed companies. That has helped push the average premium for Hong Kong-listed over mainland-listed shares down from 11 per cent in July to 2 per cent yesterday.
Indeed, demand for foreign ETFs tracking the mainland market has been so strong that some providers have been forced to limit or halt new subscriptions as they exhaust their quotas under the QFII programme.
Much depends on whether market expectations for further monetary easing turn out to be correct. The People’s Bank of China last week injected Rmb200bn in liquidity into the banking system via loans to midsize banks, but it has so far eschewed aggressive easing in favour of targeted measures.
The CSI 300 fell 0.5 per cent on Tuesday, despite data showing gross domestic product growing slightly faster than expected. This suggests that any news that implies a lower probability of further monetary easing is likely to hurt the market. And that has led sceptics to question the sustainability of the current rally.