Peter Ostrander, the tireless coordinator and cheerleader for a renowned science and mathematics magnet program at Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring, Md., was not satisfied. Over the past few years, the pool of applicants had included nearly as many girls as boys, and the acceptance rate — based largely on test scores and grades — had followed suit.
作为马里兰州银泉市蒙哥马利布莱尔高中(Montgomery Blair High School)科学和数学磁石计划(magnet program)的协调员,彼得·奥斯特朗德(Peter Ostrander)一直在为这项声名远播的计划大声疾呼,但他很不满意。在过去的几年中,申请人中的男孩和女孩人数差不多,接受率——主要基于考试成绩和等级——亦是如此。
Yet when it came to which of the invitees ended up choosing Blair's magnet option over other offerings in the area, the scales tilted male. In 2012, for example, 80 percent of the eligible boys said yes, but only 70 percent of the girls. In 2010, the figures had been 93 percent and 56 percent.
Convinced the program could do better at pitching its product to girls, Mr. Ostrander recruited teams of upper-class girls last spring to call their hesitant young counterparts. Extol the wonders of the program, he said. Dispel the tired geek myths.

"The stereotype is out there that the magnet is filled with nerdy people," he said. "Whatever that means."
The upper-class students took to the phone banks with verve. (Full disclosure: my daughter was one of them.) They talked of fun, extracurriculars and sisterhood. They secured many yes votes and earned pizza and sandwiches — but still, fewer qualified girls than boys are entering the magnet this fall.
As a result, the demanding, gratifying, even thrilling four-year immersion in physics, chemistry, biology, calculus, computer science, astronomy, entomology, the proper use of power tools — and yes, the humanities and social sciences — remains almost two-thirds male.
Montgomery Blair's experience is by no means unique. Even as girls prove their prowess in science and math, their ambivalence lingers when it comes to fields formerly painted boy blue.
As researchers see it, that reluctance, that slight and possibly subliminal case of unfounded quantipathy, must be confronted and understood if the wider inequities in science are to be rooted out for good. Ample evidence refutes the notion that female brains just can't rotate the object, leap the quantum, do the math. Worldwide, girls' average math scores are on a par with those of boys.
And even among math geniuses who score in the top ten thousandth of the population — the rarefied precinct notoriously deemed a boys' club by the former Harvard president Lawrence Summers — the male advantage has been shrinking steadily, to about 3 boys per girl today from 13 in the 1980s.
即使在那些考试成绩高居总人口前千分之十的数学天才——这个稀有领域,被哈佛大学(Harvard University)前校长劳伦斯·萨默斯 (Lawrence Summers)恶名昭彰地称为男孩地带——当中,男生的优势也一直在稳步萎缩:男女生的比例现在已从上世纪80年代的13比1下降至大约3比1。
Joseph Price of Brigham Young University and his colleagues reported this year that the gender gap in high-stakes math competitions disappeared simply by adding more rounds to a contest. Boys did better than girls in single-shot events, the researchers said, but when put through multiple rematches the boys fumbled, allowing the girls to catch up and often surpass them.
杨百翰大学(Brigham Young University)的约瑟夫·普莱斯(Joseph Price)及其同事今年发布的研究报告显示,仅仅为高风险的数学竞赛添加更多轮次的较量,优胜者的性别差异就会随之消失。研究人员声称,在单次比赛中,男孩的成绩往往比女孩更好,但当参赛者经受多次复赛的时候,男孩就很容易犯错误,从而让女孩迎头赶上,甚至经常超越他们。
Girls also excel in the classroom. Nationwide, their grade point average in high school math and science is 2.76 out of 4, compared with 2.56 for boys.
女孩的学习成绩也高出一筹。在全美国范围内,高中女生的数学和科学平均绩点是 2.76(总分为4),男生的平均绩点则为2.56。
The message of equal aptitude has certainly infiltrated today's youth. In a recent presentation at a meeting of the American Psychological Association, Anthony Derriso of the University of Alabama reported his analysis of a vast 2009 study of more than 21,000 ninth graders nationwide.
男女资质平等这一观念,肯定已渗透到当代青年人的心灵深处。在美国心理学协会(American Psychological Association)最近召开的一次会议上,阿拉巴马大学(The University of Alabama)的安东尼·德里索(Anthony Derriso)发布了他就2009年进行一项大规模调研活动所做的研究分析报告,这项调研活动对遍布全美各地的逾2.1万名九年级学生进行了采访。
Mr. Derriso, who is completing his doctoral dissertation in psychology, determined that students of both sexes rated boys and girls equally competent in science and math; expressed similar levels of confidence in their own math and science skills; and were equally likely to say they felt they were engaged in math and science and were supported by their teachers, parents and peers.
Yet aptitude is one thing, aspiration another. In answer to the question "Are you likely to pursue a scientific career?" some 2,300 students — 11 percent of the total — said yes. Among the ninth-grade yeasayers, 61 percent were male.
Mr. Derriso admits to bafflement. "If boys and girls are equally interested in math and science and feel equally confident about their abilities," he wondered, "why this humongous difference in intent? I don't have an answer for that."
The division marches off to college. Connie Chow, the executive director of the nonprofit group Science Club for Girls, pointed out that 29 percent of male college students major in math or science, compared with only 15 percent of female ones. Boys who ace science embrace science, but female mathletes keep their skills at arm's length. Researchers have found that, among students with high scores on the math portion of the SAT, boys cited their desire to major in the physical sciences, engineering or computers, while the girls preferred fields like economics, political science or medicine. One reason for the disparity may be that girls with high math scores, unlike their male counterparts, also tend to have high verbal scores and so may feel their career options are wide open. But still, given the choice, why do so many girls walk away from science and math?
这种分裂延伸到了大学。非营利组织女孩科学俱乐部(Science Club for Girls)的执行董事邹瑞儿(Connie Chow)指出,29%的男大学生主修数学或科学,而仅有15%的女大学生选择这些专业。擅长科学的男孩拥抱科学,但参加过数学竞赛的女孩通常会把自身的才能搁置在一旁。研究人员发现,在学习能力评估测试(SAT)数学部分斩获高分的学生中,男孩通常渴望主修物理、工程或计算机,而女孩的首选领域则是经济学、政治学或医学。出现这种差异的原因之一或许是,与男孩不同,数学成绩高的女孩也往往拥有较高的语言成绩,故而可能觉得自己的职业选择非常广阔。但依然有一个问题,既然选择范围如此宽广,那么为什么这么多女孩最终舍科学和数学而去呢?
In this country, women now earn close to 60 percent of bachelor's degrees overall, but only 20 percent of the degrees in computer science, 20 percent of those in physics and 18 percent of those in engineering. Women constitute half the nation's work force but just a quarter of its scientific corps, and women with science degrees are less likely than their male counterparts to work in a scientific occupation. Instead, many end up in health care or education.
Those fields may be vital and heroic, but nobility comes at a price. Women in nonscience jobs earn just three-quarters the salary accorded those in higher-tech fields, and the paucity of female scientists helps explain the overall wage gap between women and men.
Advocates for women and minorities in science are not afraid to play the money card. Dr. Chow and her colleagues organize after-school science clubs for girls in low-income communities. The girls love it, expressing stronger interest in science than many privileged students. Yet for some of the girls, Dr. Chow said, "knowing how much you can earn as, say, a marine engineer really makes a difference."
In seeking to explain girls' persistent aversion to science, researchers argue that standard surveys won't reveal hidden impulses or negative thoughts. People may say they consider women the equals of men, but as Jo Handelsman and her colleagues at Yale University reported last year, simply substituting the name Jennifer for John lowered both men's and women's estimation of an aspiring scientist's résumé.
研究人员一直在尝试着解释女孩对于科学挥之不去的厌恶情绪。他们声称,标准的调查显示不出隐藏的冲动或消极想法。人们可能会说,他们认为女性的能力与男性不相伯仲。但正如耶鲁大学(Yale University)的乔·汉德斯曼(Jo Handelsman)及其同事去年发布的研究报告所述,只需用“詹妮弗”这个名字替换“约翰”,就可降低男性和女性对一位潜在科学家的简历的评价。
Small details can have serious consequences. Women do worse on standardized math tests when asked to indicate their sex. When they are told men and women do equally well on such tests, their performance improves. Students show greater gains when they are taught that the mind, like a muscle, gets stronger with work, as opposed to being told that talents are fixed and you're born either quick or slow.
"It's a uniquely Western phenomenon to say, 'I'm no good at math, that's O.K. and I can stop doing it,' " Dr. Chow said. "I grew up in Hong Kong, and no parent would say, 'You're right, just give up.' "
Don't give up, budding scientist. One day you'll look in the mirror and proudly embrace the term nerd. Whatever that means.