Neil Clark Warren has a bold ambition. He wants “people to have a job they love and a marriage they wouldn’t change for anything”. For the 79-year-old founder and chief executive of dating site eHarmony now wants to match job hunters with employers.
尼尔•克拉克•沃伦(Neil Clark Warren)有一个大胆的愿望。他希望“人们拥有一份自己热爱的工作和一段他们拿什么也不会去换的婚姻”。这位80岁的交友网站eHarmony创始人和首席执行官,现在希望实现求职者与雇主的配对。
The dating marketplace is crowded. Online dating, once stigmatised, is now mainstream.

Eharmony, founded in 2000, today competes with niche sites catering for users from vegetarians to Ayn Rand fans, as well as social media and apps such as Tinder. Though Dr Warren patently sees his site, which claims to have been responsible for 600,000 marriages, as a cut above those facilitating mere hookups. “Tinder and eHarmony are in two different businesses. Tinder is very superficial; it’s based on looks.”
Eharmony创建于2000年,如今与其竞争的是一些专门服务于各类细分用户(从素食主义者到艾恩•兰德(Ayn Rand)的粉丝)的网站以及社交媒体和Tinder等应用。然而,沃伦博士显然认为自己的网站优于那些只是安排约会的网站。该网站声称促成了60万桩婚姻。“Tinder和eHarmony处于两种不同的业务。Tinder非常肤浅;它基于外表。”
Dr Warren wants to broaden eHarmony’s appeal and become a “relationship company”. Not just making love and job matches but also fixing retirees up with advisers and the isolated with friends. He sees loneliness as one of the biggest problems in modern society. Technology, he concedes, is a double-edged sword, both contributing to and combating isolation.
But first he is going after the jobs giants, LinkedIn and Monster. In December eHarmony’s subsidiary Elevated Careers will launch in the US. Dr Warren believes there is an untapped market of unfulfilled professionals. “Over 70 per cent of employees identify themselves as not engaged or actively disengaged from their jobs. We think we can reduce the amount of turnover and raise the level of productivity for companies by matching candidates with the right job, in the right career, with the right company.” He insists he can counter the modern career pattern of serial jobs in multiple companies and turn employees monogamous.
然而,首先他要效仿那些猎头巨擘LinkedIn和Monster。今年12月,eHarmony的子公司Elevated Careers将在美国创建。沃伦认为,怀才不遇的专业人士市场尚未被开发。“超过70%的员工认为自己没有投入到工作中或者根本无心工作。我们认为,我们可以通过帮助求职者找到合适的工作、合适的职业、乃至合适的公司,来降低企业的流动率并提高生产率。”他坚持表示,他能够应对现代职场中连续跳槽、供职于多家公司的模式,让员工对企业忠诚。
The fallout of those who flit from job to job is far-reaching, he says. His wife’s father, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate, moved jobs 17 times. “That has an impact”, he says. “When a person is unhappy at their job . . . it affects their home life, their marriage, their personal relationships, their relationships with their co-workers . . . [It has] a negative effect on the productivity of the organisations for which they are working.”
So for the past two years he has set social scientists and technology employees to work on the criteriaand algorithms that will help employees and employers find “the one”. The dating site asks subscribers to answer about 150 questions to help identify values and personality. So Dr Warren envisages a questionnaire to unearth a candidate’s skills, expectation of culture and personality.
Few recruiters do well on matching an employee with a company culture, he says. “The majority of the workforce change jobs for reasons directly related to company culture. It is imperative we bring candidates verifiable company-culture data that matches to their core work values so they can find the best possible opportunities to experience a meaningful and emotional connection with their work.” The details of such data remain secret.
Dr Warren knows about being faithful to one career. He worked as a relationship psychologist for 40 years before setting up eHarmony. Originally from a small town in Iowa, he went to a school attended by only 17 pupils. He was the only child in his class. “I came both first and last,” he jokes. His father was a “true entrepreneur” who, says Dr Warren, “owned the town”.
Dr Warren’s brother-in-law took an interest in him as a teenager and encouraged his intellectual curiosity – no one else in his family had been to university. He studied at Princeton Theological Seminary before doing a PhD in clinical psychology at the University of Chicago.
沃伦的姐夫在他十几岁时对他产生了兴趣,鼓励他对知识的好奇——他家里其他人都没上过大学。他先是在普林斯顿神学院(Princeton Theological Seminary)攻读,而后在芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)获得临床心理学博士学位。
His interest in relationships came from his Christian beliefs but also a sense that despite their 70-year marriage, his parents were incompatible. “My father was brilliant, very vital. He liked to talk about big things like the Middle East but my mother couldn’t keep up with him. They didn’t talk about much.”
He says the relationship still worked very well for their children: “They never said anything sarcastic to each other.” But his parents’ example instilled in him the belief that a “long marriage is not necessarily a great marriage”.
So Dr Warren set up as a marriage counsellor, seeing more than 7,700 people over the decades. The counselling only confirmed his convictions that divorce was due to incompatibility that should have been evident before the wedding. “I thought people had found the wrong person. They had never received any training about who they should meet.”
Pre-marital counselling did not seem to work. “I never had one couple cancel their wedding as a result.” He recalls one session in which the man told his fiancée: “Nothing this man says will stop me marrying you.”
It was this that set him – together with his son-in-law – on the idea of matchmaking online. Dr Warren had also reached a point in his career when his work had become “samey”. Despite diversifying into writing relationship books and running seminars, he craved stimulation. So in 2000, just before the dotcom bubble burst, the pair managed to raise $2.5m funding.
It was difficult to find subscribers at the start, he says, because internet dating was relatively new. The first users tended to be those living in sparsely populated areas so there were a lot of long-distance relationships. But gradually, the California-based site grew.
In 2007 he stood down from the privately owned company and moved to Maine with his wife to enjoy their 30-acre grounds, complete with golf course, swimming pool and tennis courts. Despite trying to stay active, he got bored, and, convinced that his company had lost its way, returned as chief executive.
During retirement he read a lot of books about comeback kings such as Starbucks’ Howard Schultz and Steve Jobs. He felt “glad to have a chance to run the company as he wanted it”. In doing so he cut his staff from 320 to 190 and says the reorganisation is aligned with his views on job-matching. “We matched people with the right jobs in our own company.”
退休期间,他阅读了很多有关王者归来的图书,例如星巴克(Starbucks)的霍华德•舒尔茨(Howard Schultz)以及史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)。他“很高兴有机会按照自己的意愿来管理这家公司”。在此过程中,他将员工从320人裁减至190人,他表示,重组与他有关工作配对的想法是一致的。“我们在自己的公司实现了员工与合适职位的匹配。”
Dr Warren also believes he has made his “peace with same-sex relationships” after the company created a partner website for gay singles, called Compatible Partners, as a result of court cases that said eHarmony violated discrimination laws upholding equal rights regardless of sexual orientation. “We welcome everybody,” he says.
沃伦博士还认为,他与“同性婚恋讲和了”,此前该公司为单身同性恋者创办了一个同志交友网站,名为Compatible Partners,这源于一些法庭诉讼,这些诉讼称,eHarmony违反了反歧视法,这些法律支持不同性取向的人士拥有平等权利。他表示:“我们欢迎所有人。”
Can the 79-year-old grandfather keep on working? “I don’t think I’ll ever retire. I was bored in retirement.” He hopes, however, that the company’s chief operating officer will take over when that day eventually comes. “He’s a verb and I’m a noun.” What does he mean? “I’m more of a visionary and he’s more of a do-er.”