Wall Street's big year of deal-making may have ended early — after peaking on the morning of Sept. 19.
It was then that the Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba went public with a valuation of more than $168 billion. Eight minutes later, the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index hit an all-time high. Earlier that week, several big acquisitions were announced.
那一天,中国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴(Alibaba)上市,其市值超过1680亿美元(约合1万亿元人民币)。八分钟后,标准普尔500指数(Standard & Poor's 500)创下历史新高。在同一周的早些时候,华尔街还宣布了另外几项重大并购。
Now, less than a month later, September's exuberance feels like a distant memory.
The S.&P. 500 has fallen more than 7 percent. Alibaba still trades above its offer price, but other initial public offerings have been shelved for now. Merger and acquisition announcements have slowed.

"If we get a lot more volatility and there's a significant correction, there's a real risk that deals could get pulled," said Mark G. Shafir, co-head of global mergers and acquisitions at Citigroup.
花旗集团(Citigroup)全球并购业务联席主管马克·G·沙菲尔 (Mark G. Shafir)说,“如果出现了幅度大得多的波动,之后又有显著的调整,那么的确会有交易受到抑制的切实风险。”
All year, the stock markets have advanced, initial public offerings have boomed, and mergers and acquisitions have roared back to their highest levels since the financial crisis.
The more than $1.3 trillion in announced mergers and acquisitions so far this year in the United States is the highest amount on record, according to Dealogic, fueled by megadeals like Comcast's $45 billion purchase of Time Warner Cable and Medtronic's $43 billion deal for Covidien. The more than $81 billion in I.P.O.s is the most since 2000, the height of the dot-com boom, led by the Alibaba offering.
Dealogic数据显示,今年到目前为止,在多宗重大并购交易的推动下,美国的并购交易金额超过了1.3万亿美元,达到历史最高水平。例如,康卡斯特(Comcast)出资450亿美元收购时代华纳有线电视公司(Time Warner Cable),美敦力(Medtronic)出资430亿美元收购柯惠医疗(Covidien)。在阿里巴巴上市的拉动下,IPO交易总值超过810亿美元,成了网络股最为繁荣的2000年以来,规模最大的一年。
In a few short days, however, much of that optimism has evaporated. Bankers across Wall Street say that deals on the verge of being announced are suddenly delayed. I.P.O.s set for this week and next are postponed indefinitely. And the confidence that had fueled record levels of deal-making is nowhere to be found.
"When you're buying and selling companies, you need stability in the markets," said Michael Carr, head of Americas M.&A. for Goldman Sachs. "It doesn't take much for stocks to get out of alignment, and that's what is going on right now."
“你在购买和出售公司的时候,需要市场保持稳定,”高盛(Goldman Sachs)美洲并购业务主管迈克尔·卡尔(Michael Carr)说。“股市很容易出现波动,现在就是这种情况。”
The sustained run of mergers and acquisitions is particularly vulnerable to suddenly volatile markets, several senior investment bankers said. A majority of the deals announced this year have involved at least partial payment in stock.
"Unlike on the trading side of the business, volatility is not our friend in M.&A.," Mr. Shafir noted.
When the acquirer's stock suddenly loses value, what was once an economical deal can suddenly seem unaffordable. Similarly, when a company that was poised to sell sees its stock fall, executives often want to wait for the stock price to recover before selling to get the best possible price.
"A good M.&A. market happens when both parties are comfortable with the relative relationships between their two stocks," Mr. Carr said. "That relationship is a really narrow and sensitive band."
But with companies' valuations jumping around, many deals are expected to be delayed until the markets stabilize.
For companies seeking to go public, the roller coaster markets are similarly disruptive.
"The market is taking a breath, and therefore the I.P.O. market will also take a breath," said David Hermer, global head of equity capital markets at Credit Suisse. "Issuers are standing on the sideline for the moment."
“市场正在喘气,所以IPO市场也要喘口气,”瑞信(Credit Suisse)股权资本市场的全球负责人戴维·赫尔默(David Hermer)说。“目前,打算上市的企业正在场外观望。”
In Europe, a handful of planned I.P.O.s were withdrawn in the last two weeks, including those of the British bank Aldermore, the Italian cosmetics company Intercos, the French energy services company Spie, and the Italian technology company Italiaonline.
With renewed fears of an economic slowdown in Europe, sustained unrest in the Middle East and Ukraine, and swelling fears of Ebola around the globe, the markets may not stage a strong recovery anytime soon.
"There's a lot of stuff going on the world right now," said Neil Dhar, United States capital markets leader at PricewaterhouseCoopers. "Volatility is not the friend of an I.P.O. It creates a lot of angst in the marketplace."
“目前,世界上正在发生各种事情,”普华永道(PricewaterhouseCoopers)的美国资本市场负责人尼尔·达尔(Neil Dhar)说。“不稳定性对IPO没有好处。它会让人对市场产生许多担心。”
And still, many deal makers said they believed that the underlying conditions for mergers, acquisitions and I.P.O.s remained healthy. Investors are looking for growth, which leads to deals and new public offerings. And companies have lots of cash to spend.
"A one or two week up-and-down in the marketplace isn't going to change global M.&A. activity overnight," Mr. Dhar said. "It's not the sign of a death knell for new issuance through the end of the year."
And there are some bright spots.
Several big breakups and spinoffs, including those of Hewlett-Packard, eBay and Symantec, could lead to activity in the months ahead. Big industrial groups like DuPont and Dow are also expected to sell off business units.
"In the pipeline there are a huge amount of spinoffs," said Sriram Prakash, global head of M.&A. insight at Deloitte. "Those are likely to keep the M.&A. markets busy."
“还有大量剥离资产的动作等待完成,”德勤(Deloitte)并购研究部门的全球负责人斯里拉姆·普拉卡什(Sriram Prakash)说。“并购市场很可能会因此处于繁忙状态。”
What is more, if stock prices fall precipitously and remain low, some companies may go after targets that suddenly seem affordable.
"Some opportunistic corporate players who have cash and a strong balance sheet may take the opportunity to act in a market when values are down," Mr. Carr said.
Private equity firms, which have largely held back from buying companies this year, might also be emboldened by a sustained dip in corporate valuations.
Noting the $18 billion war chest in its possession, the private equity giant Blackstone Group said it would look for opportunities in the market turmoil.
私募股权巨头黑石集团(Blackstone Group)指出,自己拥有180亿美元的资金,也将在市场动荡时期寻找机会。
"We are uniquely positioned to take advantage of market volatility across all of our businesses," Stephen A. Schwarzman, Blackstone's chairman and chief executive, told analysts on Thursday. "With one of the largest pools of dry powder capital, we can and will move quickly to respond to market dislocations. These types of investment environments end up becoming some of our best vintages."
Stephen A.