Google, like many tech companies, is a man's world.
Started by a pair of men, its executive team is overwhelmingly male, and its work force is dominated by men. Over all, seven out of 10 people who work at Google are male.
Men make up 83 percent of Google's engineering employees and 79 percent of its managers. In a report to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission last year, Google said that of its 36 executives and top-ranking managers, just three are women.
在工程技术人员中,男性占83%;在管理人员中,男性占79%。去年,在向公平就业机会委员会(Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)提交的一份报告中,谷歌表示,其36名决策层和高层管理人员中,只有三名是女性。
Google's leaders say they are unhappy about the firm's poor gender diversity, and about the severe underrepresentation of blacks and Hispanics among its work force.
And so they are undertaking a long-term effort to improve these numbers, the centerpiece of which is a series of workshops aimed at making Google's culture more accepting of diversity.

There's just one problem: The company has no solid evidence that the workshops, or many of its other efforts to improve diversity, are actually working.
In some ways Google's plan to fix its diversity issues resembles many of its most ambitious product ideas, from self-driving cars to wiring the country for superfast Internet.
Google says its plan isn't one-shot. It points out that it has been trying to improve its diversity for years by sponsoring programs to increase the number of women and minorities who go into tech, and meticulously studying the way it hires people in an effort to reduce bias.
In May after pressure from civil rights leaders, the company published a report documenting the sex and race of its employees "to be candid about the issues," Laszlo Bock, Google's executive in charge of human resources, wrote at the time.
今年5月,在民权领袖对谷歌施加压力之后,公司发布了一份关于员工性别和种族的报告。谷歌负责人力资源的高管拉兹洛·博克(Laszlo Bock)当时写到,这是为了“对有关问题做到开诚布公”。
Google's disclosure prompted a wave of similar reports across the industry, with Facebook, Apple, Yahoo and other tech giants issuing similarly dismal numbers about their work forces.
Google's diversity training workshops, which began last year and which more than half of Google's nearly 49,000 employees have attended, are based on an emerging field of research in social psychology known as unconscious bias. These are the hidden, reflexive preferences that shape most people's worldviews, and that can profoundly affect how welcoming and open a workplace is to different people and ideas.
Google's interest in hidden biases was sparked in 2012, when Mr. Bock read an article in The New York Times about a study that showed systematic discrimination against female applicants for scientific jobs in academia. The effect was so pervasive that researchers theorized the discrimination must be governed by unconscious cultural biases rather than overt sexism.
Mr. Bock wondered how such unconscious biases were playing out at Google. "This is a pretty genteel environment, and you don't usually see outright manifestations of bias," he said. "Occasionally you'll have some idiot do something stupid and hurtful, and I like to fire those people."
But Mr. Bock suspected that the more pernicious bias was most likely pervasive and hidden, a deep-set part of the culture rather than the work of a few loudmouth sexists.
Improving diversity wasn't just a feel-good goal for Google. Citing research that shows diverse teams can be more creative than homogeneous ones, Mr. Bock argued that a diverse work force could be good for Google's business. Could Google investigate how biases were affecting people's work — and, more important, could it change its own culture?
Google's human resources group, which goes by the name People Operations, functions like a graduate school research lab, with staff scientists who are constantly analyzing the company's internal operations. Mr. Bock asked one of these researchers, Brian Welle, to begin a project on hidden biases. After a few months, Dr. Welle came up with a 90-minute lecture targeted specifically at a skeptical, scientifically minded Google employee.
谷歌人力资源团队名为“人力运营”(People Operations)。它的运作类似于研究生院的实验室,由团队中的科学家对公司的内部运作进行持续分析。博克责成团队中的研究员布莱恩·威勒(Brian Welle)开展了一个针对隐蔽性偏见的项目。几个月后,威勒博士准备好了一个90分钟长的讲座,专门以不轻信的、有科学头脑的谷歌员工为受众。
Google offered several anecdotes that seem to indicate a less biased culture as a result of the training. Not long ago the company opened a new building, and someone spotted the fact that all the conference rooms were named after male scientists; in the past, that might have gone unmentioned, but this time the names were changed.
During one recent promotion meeting in which a group of male managers were deciding the fate of a female engineer, a senior manager who had been through the bias training cautioned his colleagues to remember that they were all men — and thus might not be able to fully appreciate the different roles women perform in engineering groups. "Just raising the awareness was enough for people to think about it," Mr. Bock said. The woman was promoted.