Plunging demand for steel in China has pushed prices in some markets as low as the cost of cabbage, as worries mount that annual steel consumption may shrink for the first time in 19 years.
Some grades of rebar, a steel product used in construction, fell to Rmb2,600 ($419) a tonne in northern Chinese markets this week, according to prices on industry website Steelhome – equivalent to the retail price of cabbage.

Chinese steel consumption has been bolstered for years by the boom in demand for the refrigerators, supermarkets, train wagons and greenhouses that now allow Beijingers to enjoy green vegetables all winter long. But that demand is falling sharply as China’s economic growth peaks.
Meanwhile, cabbage is not the ubiquitous product it once was. Trucks laden with the vegetable no longer lumber into Beijing in the crisp autumn days and few residents stack them in their stairwells in preparation for the winter.
The drop in steel demand “is a long-term trend”, said Li Xinchuang of the China Iron and Steel Association, which represents the nation’s largest mills. Association data show steel consumption dropped in July and August compared with the previous year. Mr Li said the decline continued in September.
代表中国各大钢厂的中国钢铁工业协会(China Iron and Steel Association)的李新创说,钢铁需求下降“是长期趋势”。该协会的数据显示,钢铁消费量在7月和8月出现了同比下降。李新创表示,9月钢铁需求继续出现下降。
The fall in steel consumption in the third quarter largely reflects slower housing construction. A similar drop this quarter would make 2014 the first year consumption has shrunk since 1995, when the Chinese economy was recovering from a bout of inflation.
“All the indicators we look at show the fourth-quarter economic recovery is unlikely to be strong,” said Song Chunlei, vice-director of steel consultancy LGMI in Beijing.