Bright lyrics and infectious hooks define the summer music season, while music released in the autumn tends to dabble in the season’s nocturnal vibe. There are different sounds for different seasons, and it looks like this fall will breeze along to a promising soundtrack all its own. More than a few big acts are readying new music for release within the next few months.

Here, 21st Century’s Darnell Gardner Jr. previews what the change in seasons has in store for music fans this time around.
下面,就跟随世纪君的同事Darnell Gardner Jr.一起来看这个秋季有哪些音乐值得乐迷们收藏。
Artist: One Direction
Release date: Nov 17, 2014
Label: Columbia Records
Genre: Pop, pop rock
With three hit albums under their belt, One Direction has displayed a career longevity akin to some of history’s greatest boy bands. On their fourth LP (Long Play), aptly named Four, the group of Brits is poised to continue crooning their way into the hearts of audiences the world over. On Sept 8, when the band announced the album, they also released a free single titled Fireproof. After a whirlwind of touring and recording, it will be interesting to see if One Direction can rally together for a solid fourth effort.
The Pink Print
专辑名称:The Pink Print
Artist: Nicki Minaj
Release date: Nov 24, 2014
Label: Young Money
唱片公司:Young Money
Genre: Hip-hop, rap
After weathering scrutiny for her music veering too far into the pop genre, one of hip hop’s hottest MC’s is returning with The Pink Print, an album that promises to satisfy pop fans and rap critics alike. Minaj has compared the album to Jay Z’s legendary The Blueprint, saying her latest will lay the groundwork for the female rappers of the future. Hopefully this album will be Minaj’s return to form, as I’m ready to welcome back her frenetic spin on hip-hop.
在风格大转,转向流行音乐之后,这位嘻哈界知名主持人携新专辑《The Pink Print》回归,并承诺这张专辑将同时满足流行乐迷和说唱乐评人。米娜认为这张专辑堪比Jay Z的传奇之作《The Blueprint》,自称她的新专将奠定女性说唱艺人的未来。希望她在这张专辑中能回到曾经的风格,我已经迫不及待想听她那疯狂的嘻哈了!
Art Official Age/Plectrumelectrum
专辑名称:Art Official Age/Plectrumelectrum
Artist: Prince
Release date: Sept 30, 2014
Label: NPG Records
Genre: Soul, R&B
Prince is the undisputed champion of sensual R&B in the US, and he’s held this title for more than three decades. The royally named musician has currently released Art Official Age, his 34th studio album. He has simultaneously released Plectrumelectrum, another LP, with his touring band 3rdEyeGirl. After decades of writing and performing, it’s encouraging to see that Prince still has a clear enough artistic vision to continue producing music this late in his career.
毫无疑问,普林斯是美国感性R&B的霸主,并且已称霸30多年。这位德高望重的音乐人最近刚刚发布了自己的第34张录音室专辑《Art Official Age》。同时,他还发布了另一张与女子乐团3rdEyeGirl合作的LP《Plectrumelectrum》。写歌、表演数十载,普林斯依旧拥有清晰的艺术洞察力,使他得以在艺术生涯的后期依旧能创作出音乐作品,这正是鼓舞人心之处。
Sweet Talker
专辑名称:Sweet Talker
Artist: Jessie J.
Release date: Oct 14, 2014
Label: Lava Records
Genre: Pop, R&B, hip-hop
Jessie J’s hit song Price Tag, almost four years after its initial release, still regularly gets airplay, proving that the star is here to stay. The pop songstress will follow up on the success of 2013’s Alive with Sweet Talker. In recent years, Jessie’s music has struggled to break into the tough US market. Pop stars are a dime a dozen, and this new album represents an opportunity for Jessie J. to set herself apart from her more popular stateside peers.
婕西的主打歌《Price Tag》发布了近4年,至今依旧拥有稳定的播放量,这足以证明她的“江湖地位”。继2013年《Alive》与《Sweet Talker》两张专辑成功之后,近年来,婕西的音乐逐渐打进美国市场。面对众多流行歌手,婕西的新专将成为她从美国其他流行歌手中脱颖而出的契机。
Artist: Taylor Swift
Release date: Oct 27, 2014
Label: Big Machine
唱片公司:Big Machine
Genre: Pop
Taylor Swift has always teetered on the fringes of country music, but this time she’s stepping entirely into the pop limelight. With 1989 (named after her birth year), Swift is hoping to attract a broader fanbase with music that sounds more like the city than the countryside. Lead single Shake it Off debuted at number one on Billboard’s Hot 100 chart. Swift has always possessed undeniable talent for catchy writing, and I’m looking forward to getting her lyrics stuck in my head this fall.
泰勒•斯威夫特总是游走在乡村音乐的边缘,而这一次她直接走上了流行音乐的舞台。斯威夫特希望藉由新专《1989》(以泰勒出生年份命名)用远离乡村、更具城市风格的音乐获得更多粉丝。该专辑的主打歌《Shake it Off》一经发布就荣登公告牌百强单曲榜冠军。斯威夫特总能写出朗朗上口的歌词,而我也打算在这个秋天被她的歌词洗脑!