A few weeks ago, the governor of Nevada, Brian Sandoval, signed into law a tax “incentive package” that his administration had negotiated with Tesla, the electric car company. Tesla is planning to build a giant factory to manufacture the batteries that power its cars, and Nevada was one of five states that were competing fiercely to land the plant.
几个星期前,内华达州政府与电动汽车公司特斯拉(Tesla)谈成的“一揽子税收激励方案”,经州长布赖恩·桑多瓦尔(Brian Sandoval)签署生效。特斯拉正准备建造一家为其电动车产品生产电池的巨型工厂。包括内华达在内,共有五个州为了让工厂在本地落户而展开了激烈的竞争。

It ultimately offered a staggering $1.25 billion package of tax breaks that includes sales tax abatements for the next two decades, 10 years of property tax abatements and nearly $200 million in transferable tax credits that Tesla could sell to Nevada companies that wanted to lower their own tax bills. Although Elon Musk, Tesla’s chief executive, insisted that at least one of the other states had offered an even richer tax package, it is clear that the tax breaks Nevada came up with played an important role in landing the Tesla factory.
最终,内达华州提供了一项总额高达12.5亿美元(约合76.7亿元人民币)的税收优惠计划,其中包括未来20年的销售税减免、10年的不动产税减免,以及将近2亿美元的可转让税收抵免额——特拉斯可以将其倒卖给想要少缴税款的州内公司。显然,内达华州所提供的税收优惠,是它拿下特斯拉电池生产厂的重要助力,尽管公司的首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)坚称,其他参与竞争的州中,至少有一个承诺过更为慷慨的税收优惠政策。
In reading this week about Apple’s tax dealings in Ireland, I found myself reflecting on the tax deals that American states cut all the time with companies they are trying to lure. It’s not all that different. In a sense, what Ireland has been doing is the global equivalent of what the states do to attract business. And that is especially true in the case of Apple.
Ireland has long had one of the lowest corporate tax rates in Europe; it’s currently 12.5 percent. That low rate, the Irish believe, helped attract industry and create the country’s boom in the years leading up to the financial crisis.
But it did a lot more than simply offer a low corporate tax rate. It set itself up as a kind of European tax haven, so that companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft and others could, in effect, buy an Irish address to which they could transfer a great deal of their intellectual property and route profits accrued elsewhere through the Irish subsidiary. This is called transfer pricing. Companies could also take advantage of other loopholes in the Irish tax code to get their tax bill considerably lower than 12.5 percent.
As The New York Times reported in a groundbreaking article two years ago — and the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations confirmed last year — Apple takes advantage of every tax break Ireland offers. But according to the European Union’s competition commissioner, Joaquín Almunia, in a letter released this week, the company went a step further in its dealings with the Irish tax authorities.
就像《纽约时报》在两年前发表的一篇突破性文章中报道的那样,苹果公司充分利用了爱尔兰提供的每一项税收优惠。参议院常设调查小组委员会(Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations)去年也对此予以了确认。不过,欧盟负责竞争事务的委员华金·阿尔穆尼亚(Joaquín Almunia)在本周公布的信件中指出,在与爱尔兰税务部门进行纳税安排时,苹果公司做得更进一步。
In 1991, Apple essentially negotiated how much tax the company would pay. It did so after it had explicitly “mentioned by way of background information that Apple was now the largest employer in the Cork area with 1,000 direct employees and 500 persons engaged on a sub-contract basis,” again according to Almunia’s letter. Apple also acknowledged that it had “no scientific basis” for the amount of tax it was willing to pay. The deal was then “reverse engineered” so that Apple’s profits would wind up in the range that would yield the suggested taxes. (Apple now has 4,000 people working in its Cork manufacturing plant, the only Apple-owned factory in Europe; its tax deal with Ireland was reworked in 2007.)
With the recent outcry over corporate tax loopholes, the E.U. decided to take a closer look at some of its members’ tax dealings that had been flagged in the media. In addition to Apple and Ireland, it is looking at Fiat in Luxembourg and Starbucks in the Netherlands. And while the Apple case is far from over — indeed, both Apple and Ireland insist they did nothing wrong — Almunia, at least, has concluded that Apple’s tax deal with Ireland amounts to “state aid.” Under European Commission rules, countries are not allowed to subsidize companies in ways that give them advantages over others in the country.
Here then is one difference between what transpires in the U.S. and what transpires in Europe: The E.U. has rules intended to prevent nations from giving unjustified tax breaks to companies. “In Europe there is now a mechanism to prevent the most harmful abuses” of the tax code, said Matthew Gardner, the executive director of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy. It has taken a while — and required an outraged public to spur it on — but the E.U. finally seems intent on curbing excesses like Apple’s tax deal in Ireland.
美国的情况与欧洲的情况存在一个差异:欧盟制定了相关规定,以防止国家给予公司不合理的税收优惠。税收与经济政策研究所(Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy)执行理事马修·加德纳(Matthew Gardner)说,“欧洲现在存在一种机制,来防止危害性最强的规避税法的行为。”走到这一步花了一些时间,也需要愤怒的公众进一步推动,但欧盟最终似乎下定了决心,要遏制一些过分的行为,比如苹果与爱尔兰达成的税务协议。
In truth, most tax subsidies don’t make much sense — not for countries and certainly not for states. “There is a lot of work that shows that tax subsidies vastly overpay for the jobs they create,” said Edward Kleinbard, a law professor at the University of Southern California and the author of the recent book “We Are Better Than This: How Government Should Spend Our Money.”
实际上,大多数税收补贴对于国家,特别是对于各州来说,并没有多大意义。南加州大学(University of Southern California)法学教授爱德华·克莱恩巴德(Edward Kleinbard)说,“有很多研究显示,税收补贴的金额,远远超过了公司所创造就业岗位的价值。”克莱恩巴德最近出版了《我们可以做得更好:纳税人的钱政府应该怎么花》(We Are Better Than This: How Government Should Spend Our Money)。
It’s a good thing that the E.U. is trying to curb unjustified tax breaks. Maybe it’s time to do the same here.