On Monday, Hewlett-Packard announced that it plans to split itself into two public companies: Hewlett-Packard Enterprise and HP Inc. The move has potential benefits and problems.
周一,惠普(Hewlett-Packard)宣布将拆分成两家上市公司:惠普企业公司(Hewlett-Packard Enterprise)与惠普公司(HP Inc)。此举有潜在的好处,但也会带来许多问题。

Companies that are too big to manage are detrimental to society. Earlier this year, FDIC Vice-Chair Tom Hoenig told me that he continues to be concerned that the largest banks in the U.S. remain too large and risky. But the harm to society from companies that are too big goes far beyond financial services firms or even normal anti-trust pricing concerns.
Large companies can be dangerous when they use concentrated power to overrule citizens in the political arena and when they exercise unbridled control over individuals’ data and privacy. Massive companies can also create other hazards because their boards and top managers live in spheres so different from their workers that the absence of empathy for the normal daily struggles can become an unfortunate epidemic. Boards begin to think about employees as resources to exploit rather than human beings like themselves, and society suffers because of that.
In a recent series for Bloomberg, Megan McArdle argued that the benefits of paying workers more are less than you may think. Astonishingly, McArdle forgets that the stress of empty stomachs and homelessness can render employees vulnerable to lower engagement and productivity and higher turnover. She also failed to consider the broader economic multiplier benefits of higher wages for the lowest paid workers. That aside, McArdle makes an interesting argument that part of the reason employees are treated better at In-N-Out Burger versus McDonald’s has to do with companies’ size. I’m not sure she’s completely right about that, but certainly smaller firms offer more opportunity for top managers to understand the daily lives of their staff; proximity makes it more difficult, although not impossible, to treat employees inhumanely.
在彭博社(Bloomberg)近期的一系列报道中,梅根o麦克阿德声称,提高员工薪酬的好处并没有想象的那么多。令人震惊的是,麦克阿德竟然忘记了,食不果腹和居无定所带来的压力会降低员工的积极性和工作效率,并且会造成更高的员工流失率。她也没有考虑提高最低收入员工的工资,所带来的更广泛的经济倍增效果。此外,麦克阿德提出了一条有趣的论据,她认为In-N-Out汉堡(In-N-Out Burger)的员工得到的待遇优于麦当劳(McDonald’s),与公司的规模有很大关系。我不确定她的说法是否正确,但可以确定的一点是,更小的公司能够给高层管理者提供了解员工日常生活的机会;上下级之间的亲近关系,使得公司更难不近人情地对待员工,虽然这样的情况不可能完全消除。
The two new companies HP HPQ 1.99% is creating may still elude the nimbleness current HP CEO Meg Whitman hopes for, or a more humane approach to management that we all desire. But HP is moving in the right direction with the split.
With that said, the proposed governance structure for the two new firms is absurd. Pat Russo, currently HP’s lead director, is slated to be chair of the new Hewlett-Packard Enterprises, a servers, storage, and networking firm. Both Russo and Whitman, who will be CEO of Hewlett-Packard Enterprises, were responsible as board members for the disastrous Autonomy purchase decision, a move that the board made over the objection of HP CFO Cathy Lesjak. HP announced that Lesjak will become CFO of the new enterprise firm.
In addition to her CEO role at Hewlett-Packard Enterprises, Whitman will also be chair of the new HP Inc., a personal computer and printers company. This move makes little sense. It is never good to have the old boss hovering over the new CEO, who in this case will be Dion Weisler. Won’t Whitman have her hands full at the new enterprise company anyway?
The split raises many questions. HP had recently agreed to proxy access, which would allow shareholders to propose board nominees that would be included on the company’s ballot. Will proxy access now apply to both of the new companies?
此次拆分带来了许多问题。惠普最近同意实施“代理参与”(proxy access),即允许股东提名将参与公司投票的董事人选。如今,“代理参与”能否应用于两家新公司?
What will happen to the size of Whitman’s paycheck? Will her current pay be split between Weisler and Whitman since, jointly, they will be managing what is now HP? Will we see new compensation plans that will allow Whitman to take advantage of short-term pops to the company’s stock even if she doesn’t create the long-term value she has promised for some time? Or will the pay checks hold both CEOs accountable for long-term results?
The split could be a real positive for HP if the board addresses the company’s governance flaws and potential missteps. Stripping half of HP from Whitman could also signal that, behind the scenes, the board lacks long-term confidence in her. In that case, there may be many more changes ahead.
Eleanor Bloxham is CEO of The Value Alliance and Corporate Governance Alliance (http://www.thevaluealliance.com), an independent board education and advisory firm she founded in 1999. She has been a regular contributor to Fortune since April 2010 and is the author of two books on valuation and governance.
本文作者爱丽诺o布洛斯罕是独立董事会培训咨询机构价值联盟和公司治理联盟(The Value Alliance and Corporate Governance Alliance)的首席执行官。她于1999年创办该机构。她从2010年10月起成为《财富》杂志定期供稿人,并著有两本有关价值评估与治理的著作。