LYON: A 33-year-old French man was sent to prison after phoning andtexting his ex-girlfriend 21,807 times, admitting that, with hindsight,"it was stupid".

The unnamed defendant, who had made the calls to demand the woman thank him forfixing up their flat, was given a 10-month sentence — six months ofwhich was suspended — and a 1,000-euro ($1,300) fine.
He will also have to undergo psychiatric treatment and is barred from allcontact with the woman he harassed, lawyers in the case told AFP.
The defendant, who comes from Rhone insouthern France,had already accepted responsibility for the barrage of phone calls and textmessages over a 10-month period, and had accepted an earlier demand to ceasecontact with his ex.
He had been hospitalised in the past for depression, and struggled to cope whenhis girlfriend broke off their relationship in 2011. He demanded compensationfor work he had carried out in their apartment.
"At the time, my logic was that untilshe returns the money ... or at least says thank you, I would not stop thecalls," he told the court in Lyon.
The calls kept coming -- averaging morethan 73 per day. "She tried to block her line, but he phoned herparents instead and her workplace," said Manuella Spee, lawyer for thevictim, a 32-year-old teacher who was also not named.
电话持续打进来——平均每天超过73个。受害者的律师Manuella Spee说,“她试图让他联系不到她,但他改成向她的父母和她的工作地点打电话”。Manuella Spee是一名32岁的教师,姓名未详。
It was only when she finally said thank you, during a meeting organised by amediator, that the harassment stopped. He has not contacted her since.
I tell myself, with hindsight, that it wasstupid," he told the court yesterday.
He said he wanted to return to school to train to be a legal assistant, andadded that he had a "passion for writing".