HONG KONG — For months, foreign companies in China have been quietly enduring increased scrutiny from Chinese government antitrust enforcers, issuing only occasional terse statements as they have been increasingly targeted by surprise raids on their offices, protracted investigations of their operations and escalating fines.

Now, tentatively but together, they appear to be pushing back.
On Wednesday, the U.S.-China Business Council, a group that lobbies on behalf of about 220 large American companies with operations in China, issued a report taking direct aim at China’s recent enthusiastic application of its six-year-old antimonopoly law and highlighting ways that it says enforcement could be improved.
周三,美中贸易全国委员会(US-China Business Council)发布报告,直指中国最近频繁运用已经颁布六年的反垄断法的做法,并强调了一些执法方式有待改善的情况。这个总部位于华盛顿的游说团体代表着大约220家在华经营的大型美国公司。
“For American businesses operating in China, China’s A.M.L. regime is creating more questions than answers,” John Frisbie, the president of the Washington-based council, said in a news release, referring to the antimonopoly law. “Will China use the A.M.L. to protect its domestic industry rather than promote fair competition? Is the Chinese government using the A.M.L. to force lower prices, rather than letting the ‘market play the decisive role’ as enshrined in China’s new economic reform program?”
“对于在华经营的美国公司来说,中国的反垄断法制造的问题,比解决的问题还多,”该委员会主席傅强恩(John Frisbie)在新闻稿中说。“中国是否会利用反垄断法保护国内产业,而不是促进公平竞争?中国政府是否会利用反垄断法迫使企业降价,而不是像中国新的经济改革方案所推崇的那样,让‘市场发挥决定性作用’?”
“The answers are not fully determined yet, but in at least some cases so far,” Mr. Frisbie said, the council “sees troubling reasons for concern.”
China’s antitrust clampdown has already taken aim at scores of companies, both foreign and domestic, including recently against Microsoft, Qualcomm, Daimler, Volkswagen and a dozen Japanese manufacturers of auto parts and bearings. Actions against foreign companies tend to receive greater news media attention, but the companies themselves, which generally lack the political patronage networks that their Chinese counterparts enjoy, tend to lie low, once targeted. Experts say it is unheard-of for a foreign company to speak out against antitrust action in China, let alone to try to file an administrative appeal.
But the council’s report is only the latest distress signal from the foreign business community in China. On Tuesday, the American Chamber of Commerce in China published the results of a survey of members showing that 60 percent of the respondents felt foreign business was less welcome in China and 49 percent believed foreign firms were being singled out in recent pricing or anticorruption campaigns.
但在该委员会的报告发布之前,在华外国公司就发出过焦虑的信号。周二,中国美国商会(American Chamber of Commerce in China)发布了一份对商会成员开展的调查的结果,其中显示60%的受访者感觉外国公司在中国不那么受欢迎了,49%的受访者认为,外国公司在最近的物价或反腐败行动中受到了区别对待。
Last month, the European Chamber of Commerce in China issued a statement on recent antimonopoly enforcement actions, citing “numerous alarming anecdotal accounts from a number of sectors that administrative intimidation tactics are being used to impel companies to accept punishments and remedies without full hearings.”
上个月,中国欧盟商会(European Union Chamber of Commerce in China)就最近的反垄断调查发表声明称,“在未进行充分听证的前提下,有关部门通过带有恐吓性的行政手段迫使企业接受惩罚和治理,这类现象值得高度警惕。”
“Practices such as informing companies not to challenge the investigations, bring lawyers to hearings or involve their respective governments or chambers of commerce are contrary to best practices,” the European chamber’s statement said.
The 48-page report by the U.S.-China Business Council highlights some similar worries, noting that 86 percent of the companies it surveyed expressed some concern about competition enforcement activities in China. Companies that have fallen under antitrust scrutiny in China complained about a lack of due process, unfair treatment, lengthy review periods for approving mergers and acquisitions and the lack of transparency in how rulings are reached and fines are set.
Examples include unidentified companies’ being pressed by Chinese antitrust enforcers to admit guilt without having a chance to see or respond to the evidence against them, or even to be informed about why they are under investigation, according to the council’s report. Companies also reported being denied the chance to call their legal representatives before enforcers carried out surprise raids on their offices — a right that is generally afforded in the United States and Europe — and their lawyers’ being excluded from the protracted negotiations that can ensue.
“Targeted or not, foreign companies have well-founded concerns about how investigations are conducted and decided,” said Mr. Frisbie, the council’s president. “Due process, transparency and the methodology for determining remedies and fines all need improvement.”
So far, it is primarily foreign business lobbying groups that are sounding the alarm, although certain complaints about China’s antimonopoly law enforcement did figure in the most recent Strategic and Economic Dialogue. For that dialogue, Secretary of State John Kerry and Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew of the United States traveled to Beijing in July for annual bilateral talks with China’s state councilor, Yang Jiechi, and vice premier, Wang Yang.
迄今为止,发出警报的主要是一些外资企业的游说团体,不过在不久前的战略与经济对话(Strategic and Economic Dialogue)中,对中国反垄断执法的某些不满也的确表达了出来。在今年7月的对话期间,美国国务卿约翰·克里(John Kerry)和财政部长雅各布·J·卢(Jacob J. Lew)来到北京,与中国国务委员杨洁篪和副总理汪洋举行了一年一度的双边会谈。
“The objective of competition policy is to promote consumer welfare and economic efficiency rather than promote individual competitors or industries, and that enforcement of their respective competition laws should be fair, objective, transparent, and nondiscriminatory,” the two sides said in a news release after the talks.
If China’s antitrust actions are giving Western companies a chill, it comes against the backdrop of an already frosty investment environment.
Foreign direct investment into mainland China fell 17 percent in July compared with a year earlier, and fell 0.4 percent, to $71.1 billion, in the first seven months of the year. The figures, which exclude the financial sector, showed investment from Japan was down 45.4 percent in the first seven months, while American investment fell 17.4 percent and European investment fell 17.5 percent.
China’s slowing economic growth and rising labor and other operating costs no doubt weighed on investment flows. But the country’s antitrust actions are unlikely to help improve the situation.
In announcing the investment figures last month, Shen Danyang, a spokesman for China’s Ministry of Commerce, was quick to reject any connection between declining investment and the energetic enforcement of the antimonopoly law.
“Groundless speculation is completely unnecessary,” Mr. Shen said, according to Xinhua, the official news agency. Investment flows may fluctuate as China readjusts its economy, he said, “but such fluctuations are not evidence for changing trends.”