Chinese real estate conglomerate Dalian Wanda is teaming up with two of China's largest internet companies in an $814m ecommerce joint venture aimed at loosening Alibaba's stranglehold on the country's booming ecommerce market, the FT's Charles Clover writes.
Baidu, China's largest search engine, and Tencent, Asia's largest listed technology company, will each hold 15 per cent of Hong Kong-registered Wanda Ecommerce, with the remaining 70 per cent owned by privately held Wanda.
这个名为万达电子商务公司(Wanda Ecommerce)的企业在香港注册成立。百度(Baidu)和腾讯(Tencent)将分别持有该公司15%的股份,剩余70%的股份则由万达持有。百度是中国最大的搜索引擎,而腾讯则是亚洲最大的高科技上市企业。
The venture will set up ecommerce services in Wanda's 107 commercial real estate properties, including Wanda Plaza shopping malls and resorts, which the company called "the largest offline consumption platform in China," with 1.5bn visitors expected this year.
这家合资企业将在万达107个商用物业设立电子商务服务网点。这些物业既包括购物中心万达广场(Wanda Plaza),也包括度假区。万达称这些物业为“中国最大的线下消费平台”,预计今年访客将达15亿人次。
The alliance will also help promote Tencent's online payment businesses Tenpay and Weixin Payment, which are to be the venture's preferred payment channels.
对于腾讯旗下的在线支付业务财付通(Tenpay)和微信支付(Weixin Payment)来说,这一同盟是一个利好,因为万达电商将首选这两种支付方式。
The joint venture also will feature Dalian Wanda's entertainment offerings including its movie, TV production and online drama IP library.
The tie-up reflects the fierce competition in China's internet industry as Baidu and Tencent try to penetrate the country's ecommerce and online payments markets, long the preserve of Alibaba, which is preparing to list in the US.