A team of Hong Kong soccer players will represent the territory in the World Cup in Chile this October. But this isn't an ordinary World Cup; this is the Homeless World Cup.
一只香港足球队将代表该地区参加今年10月在智利举行的世界杯比赛。但是这不是常规的世界杯,这是“无家者世界杯”(Homeless World Cup)。
The squad ensured its passage not through a dramatic qualification campaign, but thanks to a four-a-side fundraising tournament in the middle of Mong Kok on a hot Hong Kong Sunday.

The team of ex-convicts, gambling addicts and asylum seekers - who qualified to play by having been homeless at some point since Sept. 1, 2009 -- was up against local celebrities, politicians and corporate sponsors. Companies such as billionaire Li Ka-shing's A.S. Watson Group, Konica Minolta and Bubble Yum each paid 15,000 Hong Kong dollars ($1,935) to enter the 24-team tournament, thus raising enough money to put eight players and a couple of coaches on a flight to South America.
这场比赛的一只球队是由有前科人员、好赌之徒、难民组成,他们从2009年9月1日至今曾有过无家可归的经历,因此符合参赛资格;其他球队的队员是香港名人、政客及企业赞助商。亿万富翁李嘉诚旗下的屈臣氏集团(A.S. Watson Group)、柯尼卡美能达(Konica Minolta)和Bubble Yum等公司各支付了15,000港元(合1,935美元)参加此次比赛,参赛球队共有24只,所筹集的资金足够让八名球员和两位教练登上去南美的飞机。
In an exhibition match after the tournament final--won by the homeless team for the first time in the fundraiser's 10-year history--legislative council members Chung Kai Sin, Fernando Cheung and Leung Kwok Hung joined the victors to play a group of celebrities, including actor Bobby Au-yeung.
无家者队在决赛中获胜,为这一活动举办十年以来的首次。在决赛结束后,香港立法会议员单仲偕(Chung Kai Sin)、张超雄(Fernando Cheung)和梁国雄(Leung Kwok Hung)加入了获胜方,与包括演员欧阳震华(Bobby Au-yeung)在内的名人队踢了一场表演赛。
The match was informal and no one seemed to know the result. Most insisted it didn't matter. 'In your life you win and lose,' said Eddie Wan Yuen Hung, the Hong Kong homeless team's coach and former coach of Kitchee SC, one of the area's top sides. 'You need to learn how to lose. We use football to teach the players that.'
表演赛是非正式比赛,似乎没人知道比赛结果。多数人认为结果并不重要。无家者队教练、前杰志足球队(Kitchee SC)教练温远雄(Eddie Wan Yuen Hung)称,生活中有赢也有输,人们需要学习如何应对败局,而球队用足球来教会球员这一点。杰志足球队是香港顶级足球队之一。
The politicians were from the left of the political spectrum. Mr. Chung said the political representation was lopsided because a rally was taking place across the harbor on Hong Kong Island to protest against the pro-democracy Occupy Central Movement.
政客队员都来自左派阵营。单仲偕称,球队里的政客是一边倒,这是因为人们正在香港岛的海港各处集会抗议亲民主的占中运动(Occupy Central Movement)。
The most energetic politician on the pitch was Mr. Leung, also known as Long Hair. His rough and tumble approach to politics was mirrored in his play, as he flew into tackles and spent more time on the ground than on his feet.
'I like good football,' he said with a smile. 'Skillful, pace, nice movement - like the Dutch and Brazilians.' Long Hair's locks are now short, a trim forced upon him during a recent four-week stint in prison on charges of criminal damages and public disorderly conduct. He will keep his hair short now, he said. 'If I get arrested again they will surely cut my hair again.'
The Homeless World Cup was the brainchild of Mel Young, from Scotland, and Austrian Harald Schmied. They came up with the idea for the four-a-side tournament at a conference on homelessness in Cape Town in 2001. The first Homeless World Cup was held in Austria in 2003 and it has continued in different places every year since, with the aim of using soccer to improve the lives of homeless people.
无家者世界杯是苏格兰人扬(Mel Young)和奥地利人施米德(Harald Schmied)想出来的点子。在2001年南非开普敦举行的一次无家可归问题会议上,他们两人提出进行四人制足球比赛的想法。第一届无家者世界杯于2003年在奥地利举行,之后每一年都会在不同地方举行,比赛的目的是通过足球这项运动来改善无家可归者的生活。
'Homelessness is one of the main causes of unhappiness in society,' Carrie Lam, chief secretary for administration of the Hong Kong government, said at the tournament on Sunday.
香港特区政府政务司司长林郑月娥(Carrie Lam)在周日出席这一活动时称,无家可归是社会不满的主要原因之一。
The Hong Kong team's best result in the Homeless World Cup came in 2008, when it finished in 24th place, out of 48. This year, the team can hope to improve on that with star players such as Ramos, a Nigerian refugee with a silver tooth. Like most great soccer players, he also has only one name.
In the fundraising tournament, 24 trophies were handed out, making everyone a winner. A media spokeswoman said all the members of the homeless squad must take a drugs test. She didn't disclose the results.