SEATTLE — Microsoft is trying to shake the effects of middle age.
The company, which is now 39 years old, said on Thursday that it was laying off up to 18,000 employees, in an attempt at reinvigoration. The cuts are the first major change made by Satya Nadella, the company’s new chief executive, who said Microsoft needed to be more nimble and focused.
为了重现活力,走过了39个年头的微软周四宣布,将裁减至多1.8万名员工。此次裁员是公司的新首席执行官萨蒂亚·纳德拉(Satya Nadella)的首项重大变革举措。他表示,微软需要变得更为灵活而专注。
The job cuts would be the largest in the company’s history, representing about 14 percent of its work force. Most of the cuts will come from the Nokia mobile phone business Microsoft acquired this year.
While Microsoft still makes profits that executives at other companies would be ecstatic to have, it has been beaten on the biggest new trends in tech, including mobile, Internet search and cloud computing. As a result, it is regularly left out of conversations about companies defining the next generation of technology, outflanked and overshadowed by companies like Apple, Google, Facebook and Amazon.
Cutting jobs does not mean the company will suddenly begin creating products that people love. And the cuts did not suggest a sharp shift in strategy. But it is a start of something new, in the view of many Microsoft critics, and one that could help the company concentrate on the businesses where it is likely to have the most impact.
“I think this is a jolt to the culture, which is really needed,” said George F. Colony, the chief executive of Forrester Research, a technology research firm. “It was frozen in place, and lacked new creativity and innovation.”
“我想这是一次文化震动,亟需的震动,”科技调研企业弗雷斯特研究公司(Forrester Research)的首席执行官乔治·F·科隆尼(George F. Colony)说。“微软固步自封,缺乏新鲜的创造力和革新能力。”
Investors have bought into his vision. The company’s stock, which languished during the tenure of Steven A. Ballmer, the company’s previous chief executive, is up about 22 percent since Mr. Nadella assumed the top job. On Thursday, its shares hit a 14-year high.
投资者对他的愿景颇为认同。在前任首席执行官史蒂文·A·鲍尔默(Steven A. Ballmer)治下,公司股价停滞不前,而自从纳德拉接任以来,则飙升了22%左右。本周四,微软股价创下14年来的最高点。
But critics of Microsoft, including many former employees, believe the company has become overly bureaucratic and slow moving. The company has grown to 127,000 employees worldwide, up from 57,000 a decade ago. Apple, which is just a year younger than Microsoft, has about 85,000 employees, nearly half of them in its retail stores. During the first three months of this year, Apple’s revenue and profit were each roughly double Microsoft’s.
On Thursday, Mr. Nadella said in an email to employees that the layoffs were an effort to move faster, a message he has given repeatedly in recent months.
“Having a clear focus is the start of the journey, not the end,” he said in the email. “The more difficult steps are creating the organization and culture to bring our ambitions to life.”
He added: “The first step to building the right organization for our ambitions is to realign our work force.”
Some investors were hoping for an even bolder move by Mr. Nadella, including trimming some product lines. The company’s investments in the search engine and video game businesses have come under particularly harsh scrutiny, raising questions about whether the company would be better off narrowing its focus to other more lucrative markets.
Mr. Nadella did, however, take a scalpel to some projects that were especially far afield from its primary business. The company said it planned to shut down Xbox Entertainment Studios, a group in Santa Monica, Calif., that was dedicated to producing original television programming for viewing on Microsoft’s video game system. Microsoft said it would complete some programs that were already underway, including two series based on the Halo game franchise.
纳德拉也的确拿一些远离主要业务的项目开了刀。公司宣布,计划关停Xbox娱乐工作室(Xbox Entertainment Studios)。这座工作室位于加州圣莫尼卡,专门用来打造在微软的电子游戏系统中播放的原创电视节目。微软表示,工作室将完成手头上的一些节目,包括基于《光晕》(Halo)系列游戏改编的两部电视剧。
The biggest chunk of job losses, though — about 12,500 — will come because of the Nokia deal. Mr. Nadella has singled out Microsoft’s mobile business as one of his top priorities, but the layoffs announced on Thursday amount to a significant retrenchment in one area of that market.
The vast majority of the jobs being eliminated will come from the Nokia groups, though some will come from overlap at Microsoft resulting from the deal. Microsoft said 1,100 job cuts would come from Finland, and 1,800 from a Nokia factory in Hungary. The result is that Microsoft is letting go of nearly half of the 25,000 people who joined the company from Nokia.