A film about a man who spends his life trading blood for cash, based on a novel by one of China's most celebrated writers, has finally begun shooting nearly 14 years after it was first announced. But it won't be a Chinese film.
'Chronicle of a Blood Merchant,' based on the 1995 novel of the same name by best-selling Chinese writer Yu Hua, began in the year 2000 as a collaboration between Korean producer Ahn Dong-Kyu and iconoclastic Chinese director Jiang Wen.
电影《许三观卖血记》(Chronicle of a Blood Merchant)根据中国畅销作家余华1995年同名小说改编。早在2000年,韩国制作人安东圭(Ahn Dong-Kyu)就有意与中国导演姜文合作拍摄这部电影。
The novel, published in 1995, tells a story of Xu Sanguan, a farmer who discovers selling blood as a shortcut to providing a better life for his family and becomes expert in gaming the system to squeeze every last yuan out of his veins. The story is mainly set in the 1950s and 1960s, when China weathered a terrible famine only to then be plunged into the turbulence of the Cultural Revolution.
小说《许三观卖血记》于1995年出版,主人公农民许三观发现卖血能让家人更快过上好日子,渐渐成了卖血“专业户”,竭尽性命拿血换钱。故事时间设定在上世纪50至60年代,当时中国在经历了严重的 荒之后,又陷入了文化大革命的动荡之中。
Mr. Ahn, now the film's co-executive producer, told China Real Time that he flew to Beijing to meet with Mr. Yu after he read the novel's Korean translation in 1999. He said he met Jiang Wen on Mr. Yu's recommendation, and both decided to work together to make the novel a film.
现担任该片联席执行制片人的安东圭对“中国实时报栏目”(China Real Time)说,在1999年阅读了韩文版《许三观卖血记》后,他飞往北京与余华见面。他说他在余华的推荐之下与姜文见面,两人决定合作将小说拍成电影。
'But Jiang Wen became officially unable to direct films due to a 7-year ban imposed on him for not getting permission from the Chinese government for the film he took to Cannes,' said Mr. Ahn, referring to Mr. Jiang's 'Devils on the Doorstep,' a film about Japanese soldiers invading a Chinese village during World War II that won him the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival in 2000.
但安东圭说,当时姜文因未经政府批准携片参加戛纳国际电影节(Cannes Film Festival)而被官方禁止拍片长达七年之久。安东圭指的是姜文的《鬼子来了》(Devils on the Doorstep),这部讲述二战期间日本军人进攻中国村庄的电影获得了2000年戛纳国际电影节评委会大奖。
A spokesman for Mr. Jiang declined to comment. Now back in the good graces of China's film censors, the director is currently preparing for a 'Gone with The Bullets,' a 3D follow-up on 2010's satirical hit 'Let the Bullets Fly' that is expected to hit Chinese theaters in December.
姜文的发言人拒绝对此置评。如今重获中国电影审查部门青睐的姜文目前正在筹备3D电影《一步之遥》(Gone with The Bullets)。该片是其2010年热门电影《让子弹飞》(Let the Bullets Fly)的续集,预计将于12月在中国上映。
Mr. Ahn said he later made inquiries unofficially to some Chinese regulators for producing the film in China, but was rebuffed. He decided to make it a pure Korean production instead, shifting the story to Korea after the Korean War. 'Since Korea also experienced liberation, war and division, I found similarities in the sentiments of 'Chronicle of a Blood Merchant,'' he said.
Mr. Ahn has tapped Ha Jung-woo, a Korean actor turned director, to helm the film and assembled cast of Korean film stars. The film, which bag shooting in June, is expected to be released by early next year.
安东圭指定由演员转型做导演的河正宇(Ha Jung-woo)执导该片并为影片挑选强大的韩国影星阵容。这部电影已在6月开机,预计明年年初上映。
Contacted by China Real Time, Mr. Yu seemed lukewarm about the film's journey across the Yellow Sea . 'The Koreans are making it into a commercial film with huge investment,' said Mr. Yu, adding that he was unaware it had started shooting. ' I don't have any expectations for it at all,' he added, saying he believed the story would be made into a Chinese film sooner or later.
It's not the first run-in with China's film censors for Mr. Yu, whose novels are larded with biting critiques of Chinese society. 'To Live,' a film directed by famed Chinese director Zhang Yimou and based on Mr. Yu's novel of the same name, was banned in China after a triumphant showing at Cannes in 1994.
News that 'Chronicle of a Blood Merchant' is finally being made into a film has met with ambivalence in the Chinese film community, where excitement at the prospect of seeing the story on the big screen has been tempered by frustration that it had to be made abroad. 'It's a good news but also a sad, because China cannot make this film,' Han Kaichen, a Chinese film producer, wrote on his verified Weibo account.
'I hope the adaption wins the Palm d'Or at Cannes and the Best Foreign Language Film at the Oscars,' film critic Bi Chenggong wrote on his own Weibo feed. 'It would be a slap to the face of this country's censorship system.'
Despite the sensitivities surrounding the project, Mr. Ahn hopes this film can be released in China. 'This film that I am making has nothing that will violate the current Chinese censorship rules,' he said, describing the movie as a story about a generation past that had to overcome hardships. 'Isn't China living in an era where it's possible to look back at its hard past as just a memory?'