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高管天价年薪上亿元 是普通员工年均工资257倍

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The average CEO now makes $10.5 million per year, or 257 times the amount his median employee pulls in.

For the vast majority of us, these salaries are mind-boggling. After all, that $10 million the average CEO makes in a year is nearly 4.5 times more than what your typical bachelor-degree-holding worker makes in his entire lifetime.
And though executive compensation fell sharply during the recession, the upward trend it had been on since the 1970s has once again resumed, with CEO pay increasing by 8.8% in 2013, a rate thats far greater than inflation and the fourth straight year of increases.
Corporate law expert Michael B. Dorff argues in his forthcoming book, Indispensable and Other Myths, that increases in CEO compensation have far outstripped what executives actually produce for their firms and society at large. Ironically, corporate boardsattempts to tie executive pay to performance have caused this imbalance. Dorff argues that while paying for performance makes sense on its face, its actually a flawed philosophy that can hinder corporate performance rather than motivate executives to work harder. He argues that while pay for performance works when a worker is engaged inboring and repetitivetasks like assembly line work, it fails when it is applied to workers engaged in creative tasks or those that involve managing people.
公司法专家迈克尔o多尔夫在他即将出版的新书《不可或缺和其他神话》(Indispensable and Other Myths)中声称,CEO薪酬的涨幅已经远远超出了他们对公司和社会所做的真实贡献。颇具讽刺意味的是,这种不均衡正是公司董事会企图把高管薪酬与绩效挂钩所导致的结果。多尔夫认为,虽然绩效薪酬表面上讲得通,但这其实是一种有缺陷的理念,无法激励高管更加努力地工作,反而有可能抑制公司业绩的增长。他声称,如果一位工人从事的是像流水线作业这种“枯燥且重复的”工作,绩效工资可以产生预期效果。但如果把这种薪酬安排应用在从事创造性或管理类工作的员工身上,它就无法奏效。
Even worse, pay-for-performance encourages escalating salaries for the simple reason that human beings are risk-averseand, all else equalwill demand smaller but guaranteed payments to a larger payout thats less certain. For instance, the average person would prefer a guaranteed salary of $1 million to a base salary of $500,000 with a $1 million bonus that the person has a 50% chance of capturing. In both instances, the person should expect to earn $1 million, but people tend to choose the more stable option. This dynamic, according to Dorff, leads executives to bargain hard for high pay guarantees, leaving the boardsperformance payto be nothing more than icing on the cake.
Furthermore, those who rise to the executive level often need no outside motivation to succeed at their jobs. Indeed, pinning pay to performance can actually be counterproductive for these people, encouraging them to focus on metrics that oversimplify success, like a companys stock price. At times, it even encourages executives to outright cheat.
Measuring theperformanceof a CEO is likely one of the most difficult tasks for corporate boards. To illustrate this point, Dorff uses the example of former General Electric GE 0.15% CEO Jack Welch, who was dubbed by Fortune in 1999 as themanager of the centuryafter leading GE from a $14 billion market cap in 1981 to $415 billion 20 years later when he retired. Writes Dorff:
衡量一位CEO的“绩效”可能是公司董事会最难完成的任务之一。为了阐明这一点,多尔夫援引了通用电气公司(General Electric)前CEO杰克o韦尔奇的例子。韦尔奇1999年被《财富》杂志( Fortune)誉为“世纪经理人”。1981年,当韦尔奇接掌通用电气的时候,这家公司的市值仅为140亿美元。20年后,他退休时,这家公司的市值已经飙升至4,150亿美元。多尔夫写道:
How much was Jack Welch really worth? General Electric certainly prospered during his tenure as CEO, but how much of that was due to Welch as opposed to GEs preexisting personnel, intellectual property, factories, market position, and brand reputation? How much was due to general market conditions or fortuitous circumstances? There is no way to answer that question with any confidence. Crediting Welch alone with the rise in GEs stock price seems an extreme position.”
Just because its difficult to measure a CEOs contribution to a company doesnt, of course, mean that a corporate board should just give up on the idea. The problem is corporate boards have settled for the illusion of accountability with compensation programs that pay big when stock prices and other simple metrics indicate success, but they do little to punish for poor performance.
Much of the time, the illusion of accountability is all boards desire. Economists have long recognized the problem of separating between who owns a company (shareholders) and those who control it (the board and executives). Because most owners of publicly traded corporations dont own a large enough share to exert any control over a firm or to benefit from taking the time to oversee its stewardship, boards and executives can enrich themselves at the expense of a firms owners. Pay for performance was supposed to solve this problem, but it ended up being nothing more than a fig leaf. As Dorff writes:
In 1993, when average CEO pay had already risen sharply from its thirty-year, postwar plateau of about a million dollars a year, compensation for the top five exectutives at each corporation absorbed some 5 percent of corporate profits on average…. As big as that number seems, though, that number doubled just ten years later.”
Some suggest that this is simply the work of the free market rewarding what has become an increasingly important job for American corporations. But defenders of escalating pay often forget that boards arent always looking after the best interests of their shareholders, especially when it comes to deciding the pay of an executive who is in their peer group and is likely responsible for placing directors on the board in the first place.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
motivate ['məutiveit]


vt. 给与动机,激发(兴趣或欲望)

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

exert [ig'zə:t]


vt. 运用,施加(压力,影响等)

imbalance [im'bæləns]


n. 不平衡,失调

accountability [ə,kauntə'biləti]


n. 可说明性;有义务;有责任

personnel [.pə:sə'nel]


n. 职员,人事部门

dynamic [dai'næmik]


adj. 动态的,动力的,有活力的
n. 动力

boring ['bɔ:riŋ]


adj. 令人厌烦的

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

corporation [.kɔ:pə'reiʃən]


n. 公司,法人,集团





