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梦幻显示背后 现在买4K电视机划算吗

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There are few things consumers love more than their television sets. Typically, when the industry introduces a new standard or technology, be it color sets, flat screens or high def, the stampede to the mall is quick and impressive.

This time there may not be a stampede.
Ultra HD television, sometimes referred to as 4K, is widely seen as a leap forward in picture quality. More pixels and big screens -- some of which are curved, for an immersive viewing experience -- do raise the bar in TV watching, critics say.
有时候又被称为4K电视机的超高清(Ultra HD)电视机,被普遍视为画质的一场大跃进。批评者说,更多的像素和更大的屏幕――有些屏幕是弯曲的,形成一种沉浸式的观看体验――确实提高了看电视的标准。
What's more, as production ramps up, prices are coming down to where some of the lower-end 4K sets are competitive with large-screen HD sets.
But have they fallen far enough for consumers en masse to buy? Or should shoppers wait until prices fall further?
Critics say some technical issues remain, such as concerns about whether there is sufficient bandwidth in most homes to support uninterrupted viewing. There is also relatively little to watch, so far, in 4K.
But supporters argue that a 4K television set, given its ability to improve current HD picture quality, among other reasons, is a better purchase even at today's prices than a large-screen HDTV, which threatens to lock viewers into an increasingly inferior standard for years to come.
It's better to wait, says Brett Sappington, director of research at Dallas-based Parks Associates. Jack Wetherill, senior market analyst at British-based Futuresource Consulting, says 4K is a good buy already.
达拉斯Parks Associates研究总监布雷特・萨平顿(Brett Sappington)说,最好是再等等。英国Futuresource Consulting公司的高级市场分析师杰克・韦瑟里尔(Jack Wetherill)则说,4K电视机已经值得买了。
Yes: If You Buy It Now, You Are Set For Many Years to Come
When consumers shop for a large-screen TV, two requirements tend to be at the top of the checklist: a 'wow' factor, and an affordable price.
Ultra-high-definition, or 4K, television sets meet the first requirement with flying colors. Ultra HD offers picture quality way beyond what is widely available in homes today: four times the picture resolution of today's HD. That means four times the number of pixels, the tiny points that make up the image. The greater array of colors and the sharper contrast, especially in the large-screen format, give viewers a feeling of being immersed in what they're watching.
超高清(Ultra HD)电视机或曰4K电视机轻而易举地满足了第一个要求。它的画质远远超过今天家庭普通电视机的水平:其分辨率是今天高清电视机的四倍,也就是说,像素(组成画面的小点)为后者的四倍。更丰富的色彩和更强烈的对比度,特别是通过大屏幕的形式展现出来,给观看者一种沉浸于所观看内容的感觉。
There's your 'wow' factor.
Long-Term Purchase
As for an affordable price, while 4K is still a relatively new technology, and price tags admittedly were astronomical to begin with, prices now have fallen to where they are competitive with high-end alternatives in the large-screen HD market. Today, 4K sets from leading brands with 55-inch screens are available for $2,300. It would be less expensive to buy a screen of the same size in 1080p. But large-screen TVs are a long-term purchase and represent great value for money. As the average U.S. household will keep its new TV for around seven years and use it for five hours a day, this equates to just 18 cents per hour used.
Larger screens and better picture quality are the wave of the future. Consumers are buying increasingly large TV sets (27% of last year's sales were 50-inch screens and larger, and 10% were 60-inch and above). As a result, 1080p picture quality is reaching its limits on larger screens. Shoppers who buy a bigger screen with 1080p now will be acquiring a TV that will be quickly outdated in terms of quality in the near future.
TV manufacturers are solidly behind UHD. Unlike 3-D television, 4K does not require the inconvenience of special glasses. Those who choose their 4K set carefully will be buying a television that is future-proofed for years to come. The key technology building blocks, HDMI 2.0, an interface for transferring video and audio data which supports 4K resolution, and HEVC, a video compression format, both of which will be necessary to enjoy the full benefits of HD as it continues to improve, are already available on many 4K sets.
电视机生产商坚定支持超高清。和3D电视机不一样的是,4K电视机不需要麻烦地戴上特殊的眼镜。仔细挑选4K电视机的人,将是在购买一台几年之内都不会过时的电视机。高清电视在继续改进,而要享受其全部好处,两种关键技术成分必不可少,而很多4K电视机已经具备了这两种技术:一个是HDMI 2.0接口,用于转换支持4K分辨率的音视频数据;还有一个是视频压缩格式HEVC。
Content Is Coming
Content in 4K still is limited, but in time, more will become available. Consumers who are concerned about a lack of native 4K content now can take comfort in the knowledge that TV manufacturers have put a lot of work into upscaling technology to ensure that today's HD content looks even better on 4K sets right now. And a new generation of Blu-ray players and discs that will be able to play back native 4K content in all its glory is in the pipeline, perhaps 18 months away.
Much of the first 4K content will become available via the Internet. A broadband speed of 15 megabits per second is enough to ensure a good experience of 4K, and many households already have this. Viewers who want to be among the first to watch must-see shows such as 'House of Cards' in 4K will find 4K sets an attractive proposition. Those who choose to rely on Wi-Fi rather than their wired device for 4K streaming will note that many products are now emerging that feature enhanced Wi-Fi to handle 4K streaming.
第一批4K内容当中的很大一部分将是通过互联网发布。每秒15兆的带宽足以确保良好的4K体验,很多家庭已经具备。希望第一批观看4K格式《纸牌屋》(House of Cards)等必看剧的观众将会发现4K电视机是一个不错的方案。选择依靠WiFi而不是有线设备在线播放4K内容的人们将会注意到,现在很多新产品都带有增强WiFi功能来处理4K内容的在线播放。
Big sporting events often trigger households into upgrading their sets. With the World Cup starting in Brazil next month, the coming weeks will see many consumers upgrading their sets to enjoy the event in the highest quality possible.
Those who are in the market now for a new large-screen set should seriously consider 4K models. As with most new electronics products, prices will fall further. But the 4K sets are already good value for money. If you buy a 1080p set now, which you will likely keep until the next decade, the picture will look increasingly low-res as time passes.
If you can afford 4K now -- why wait?
Mr. Wetherill is senior market analyst at Futuresource Consulting Ltd., Dunstable, England.
Jack Wetherill 是英国邓斯特布尔咨询公司Futuresource Consulting Ltd.的高级市场分析师。
No: Little Content And High Prices Make It a Bad Deal
Strolling down to your nearby electronics store, you see a promotion for something called 4K TV. The clarity and detail of the picture is striking, even with your nose pressed right up against the glass of the TV screen.
Then, looking at the price tag, you are struck by clarity of a different sort.
Many consumers are encountering the 4K phenomena. But to enjoy the true benefits of 4K, three things need to be present: the television, the content, and a way to get the content to the TV. It's a bit like the proverbial three-legged stool. If one of the legs is a bit short of the others, the experience is, at best, uneven. Missing a leg? Then the system doesn't work at all.
TV makers rolled out 4K sets in early 2012, demonstrating 84-inch behemoths with stunning picture quality priced in the $20,000 range. By the end of 2013, prices had fallen dramatically, with 55-inch 4K TVs priced as low as $3,500. And by last month, prices had fallen further to $2,500.
But do you really want the least expensive television in 4K, one with limited features and a brand you may have never heard of?
One Buying Strategy
The difference in price between 4K and HDTV is greatest among the larger screen sizes. Consumers can purchase a 70' screen from well-known HDTV makers for around $1,700, compared with more than $4,000 for a similarly sized 4K TV. Effectively, a consumer could buy the 70' HDTV today, buy a 4K set when prices are lower, and still come out ahead.
Production of 4K content, meanwhile, is just getting under way. A few World Cup games will be in 4K, but regular broadcasts of live sports won't be available for some time. Sony offers more than 50 movies in 4K, and the movie studios are following suit. In Japan, 4K broadcasting could begin as early as this summer. The rest of the world, however, is still at least a year or two away from 4K TV channels.
与此同时,4K内容的生产才刚刚开始。几场世界杯比赛将用4K格式,但经常性的4K赛事直播在一段时间内还看不到。索尼(Sony) 有50多部电影是4K,各电影制作公司也在跟进。在日本,4K电视节目最早有可能在今年夏季开始播出。但世界其他地方至少还有一两年才会有4K电视频道出现。
Therein lies the industry's greatest challenge: getting 4K content to the TV.
Season 2 of Netflix's 'House of Cards' is one of the first series available in 4K. But today, no U.S. pay-TV service or broadcaster offers 4K, either on demand or as a TV channel. Comcast Corp. and online movie service M-GO have both announced partnerships with Samsung to deliver 4K content sometime this year, but neither service is available yet to consumers.
Netflix《纸牌屋》第二季将是第一批4K电视连续剧之一。但在今天,没有哪家付费电视服务公司或电视台提供4K,不管是按需提供的4K还是4K电视频道。康卡斯特(Comcast Corp.)和在线电影服务商M-GO都公布了跟三星(Samsung)的合作方案,将在今年的某个时候发行4K内容,但两家公司的服务都还无法为消费者享受。
The holdup is due to the size of 4K files. To stream a 4K video, you will need a broadband service that can provide a speed of at least 15 megabits per second, all the time.
Even if you subscribe to a 15 to 20 Mbps service, inconsistencies in the Internet speed from your provider as well as use of the Internet by other devices in the home may reduce your 4K viewing to a long series of pauses as your connection coughs out a few minutes of video at a time. Homes may need service of 50 Mbps or better to have an adequate 4K streaming experience.
Disc Slip
Physical media is also not the answer. Blu-ray discs cannot handle 4K content. The player can support playout of 2160p images and video, but the discs themselves don't have the capacity to hold most 4K movies and the extras that are often included in Blu-ray. For now, studios are putting 2K versions of movies on Blu-ray discs and promoting them as mastered or filmed in 4K. Once discs are developed that can handle 4K, they may require entirely new players.
Finally, it's true that when watching HD content on a 4K set there can be a marginally better picture. But why pay two to three times as much to get a slightly better picture quality when actual 4K content won't be available for some time?
Only the hardiest gadget lovers should think of buying 4K now while they still cannot get the full benefit of it. Everyone else can wait.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
promotion [prə'məuʃən]


n. 晋升,促进,提升

challenge ['tʃælindʒ]


n. 挑战
v. 向 ... 挑战

attractive [ə'træktiv]


adj. 有吸引力的,引起注意的

brand [brænd]


n. 商标,牌子,烙印,标记
vt. 打烙印,

adequate ['ædikwit]


adj. 足够的,适当的,能胜任的

proposition [.prɔpə'ziʃən]


n. 建议,命题,主张
vt. 向 ... 提

marginally ['mɑ:dʒinəli]


adv. 在边上,边际地 形容词marginal的副词形

striking ['straikiŋ]


adj. 吸引人的,显著的
n. 打击

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

resolution [.rezə'lu:ʃən]


n. 决心,决定,坚决,决议,解决,分辨率


关键字: 划算 电视 4K




