Hate dining alone? One Japanese restaurant has a semi-awkward yet totally adorable solution for all your table-for-one woes.
The Moomin Café in Japan seats solo diners with cuddly stuffed animals to make the experience of dining alone a little less lonely, Food Beast reports. (Sure, the stuffies might not be the greatest conversationalists, but they have to be better listeners than your last date.)
根据Food Beast网站的报道,这家叫做Moomin Café的日本咖啡店(其取名源自芬兰出产的动画Moomin Valley,中文译名姆明一族、噜噜咪一家、姆明谷等)会给单独进餐的顾客提供可爱的毛绒公仔,让他们独自用餐时没那么孤独。(当然,这些公仔可能不是最棒的唠嗑伙伴,但是同你上一个伙伴相比,公仔们肯定是个更好的听众。)
The cafés are themed around The Moomins, a Swedish-Finnish book and animated series about a family of friendly hippo-esque critters. Each location features food, drink and decor inspired by the whimsical franchise, but the main draw is clearly the option to dine with a wide-eyed Moomin of your own.
这家咖啡店的主题围绕着The Moomins,这是一本瑞典-芬兰的卡通书,也被制作成了动漫剧集,讲的是友善的河马家族里的一系列生动有趣的故事。得到授权后,餐厅的食物、饮品和装修灵感都来自这部异想天开的卡通作品,但是餐厅的主线是很清晰的:就是可以自己选一个大眼睛姆明一起用餐。
We'd just like to point out that texting at dinner is rude, even when your date is a stuffed animal.
We're conflicted here: Would dining with a plush-y as your plus-one make going to a restaurant by yourself more palatable -- or does it just make the whole situation that much more embarrassing? Tell us what you think in the comments!