It seems the age of the mega merger is back: Pfizer Inc.'s planning to bid for AstraZeneca PLC in what could be a more than $100 billion deal, Novartis AG and GlaxoSmithKline PLC announced a series of transactions worth more than $20 billion and Comcast Corp. agreed to buy Time Warner Cable for about $45.2 billion so far this year. In Asia, deal sizes may be smaller, but deal activity has been equally robust.
Pfizer Inc.,
PFE, 简称:辉瑞公司)计划竞购
AstraZeneca PLC,交易规模可能超过1,000亿美元;诺华制药公司(
Novartis AG,
Glaxosmithkline plc,
Comcast Co.
Cl A,
Time Warner Cable。亚洲的并购交易规模可能要小一些,但并购活动却同样强劲。

The value of mergers and acquisitions in Asia-Pacific, excluding Japan, has shot past $200 billion year-to-date for the first time on record, according to Dealogic. Driving the high volume are deals like conglomerate Citic Pacific Ltd.'s $15.6 billion purchase of parent company's Citic Group Corp.'s assets; Singapore state investment firm Temasek Holdings Ltd.'s purchase of a 25% stake in retailer AS Watson Holdings Ltd. for $5.7 billion; and the sale of Wing Hang Bank Ltd to Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp. Ltd. for $5 billion. Dealogic values the Citic deal based on the change in Citic Group's ownership of Citic Pacific.
根据Dealogic数据,今年迄今,亚太地区(不包括日本)的并购交易规模有记录以来首次超过2,000亿美元。推高交易规模的是诸如此类的交易:综合企业中信泰富有限公司(Citic Pacific Ltd., 0267.HK, 简称:中信泰富)以156亿美元的价格收购母公司中信集团(Citic Group Inc.)的资产;新加坡国有投资公司淡马锡控股(Temasek Holdings Pte. Ltd.)以57亿美元的价格收购了零售商屈臣氏(AS Watson Holdings)25%的股权;华侨银行(Oversea-Chinese Banking co. Ltd., O04.SG)以50亿美元的价格收购香港永亨银行(Wing Hang Bank Ltd)。Dealogic根据中信集团对中信泰富的持股变动情况计算出上述收购交易的价格。
All up, $224 billion worth of deals involving Asian companies have beenannounced so far this year, up 83% from this time last year.
'There is strong outbound M&A flow from Asia's corporate champions and also continued inbound interest from multinational companies wanting to invest further into the Asian growth story,' said Farhan Faruqui, Citibank's head of corporate and investment banking for Asia. Citi ranks third among M&A advisors by deal volume so far this year, having advised on $32.3 billion worth of deals. Goldman Sachs leads in first, advising on $35.7 billion worth of deals, while Bank of America-Merrill Lynch came in second with $34 billion.
花旗银行(Citibank)的亚洲公司和投行业务主管巴基(Farhan Faruqui)称,亚洲大型企业海外并购活动强劲,另外跨国公司对亚洲企业的兴趣依旧浓厚,希望进一步投资,分享亚洲的经济增长成果。今年迄今,以担任顾问的并购交易规模计,花旗名列第三位,担任顾问的并购交易规模为323亿美元;高盛(Goldman Sachs)夺得桂冠,担任顾问的交易规模为357亿美元,美银美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)居于第二,规模为340亿美元。
Citi advised Chinese bank ICBC on buying a controlling stake in Standard Bank's global markets business for around US$765 million in January, and advised a Chinese consortium led by MMG Ltd, a unit of state-controlled China Minmetals Corp., on its $5.8 billion acquisition of Glencore Xstrata PLC's Las Bambas Peruvian copper project early this month.
中国工商银行1月份斥资约7.65亿美元收购标准银行(Standard Bank)全球市场业务的控股股份;国有企业中国五矿集团公司(China Minmetals Corp.)旗下子公司五矿资源有限公司(MMG Ltd., 简称:五矿资源)牵头的中国财团本月早些时候以58亿美元收购了嘉能可(Glencore Xstrata PLC)旗下秘鲁Las Bambas铜矿项目。花旗集团在上述交易中提供顾问服务。
Deal activity has been spread across the region and a range of sectors. The top 10 list includes deals from Australia to China, India to Hong Kong. Real estate, retail, healthcare and telecommunications are just some of the industries that have seen a pickup in activity.
It hasn't all been good news for advisers, though, at least not for foreign banks. The biggest deals so far this year were Citic's deal as well as real estate firm Greenland Holding Group Co. Ltd.'s decision to list on China's domestic market through an asset swap with a Shanghai-listed firm, a $10.7 billion deal. In neither case did the target have an adviser. In both cases, the buyers used Chinese advisers.
Greenland Group)通过与一家上海上市公司的资产置换在中国国内市场上市(交易规模107亿美元)。在这两笔交易中,目标公司都没有聘请顾问行,而买方聘用的都是国内顾问行。