Seeing a 10 percent decline in Chinese direct investment in 2013--including a shift away from the Chinese mining buys which had long buoyed its economy--the Australian government is retooling to attract a new wave of investment into the country from the PRC.
But it has to get its own citizens on board first.
That's the message of a flashy new interactive website launched by Australian Trade Minister Andrew Robb in Shanghai last Thursday.
这就是澳大利亚贸易部长罗布(Andrew Robb)上周四在上海推出一个全新互动网站所传递出的信息。

Developed by consultants KPMG and the University of Sydney with government funding, the website,, seeks to 'dispel the myths surrounding Chinese investment in Australia and inform debate on the issue,' according to a press release.
这个网址为的网站是由毕马威会计事务所(KPMG)和悉尼大学(University of Sydney)在政府资助下联合开发的。一份新闻稿称,建立该网站的宗旨是驱散围绕中国在澳投资的迷雾并如实向外界告知与这一问题有关的争论。
It does so through a spinning animated wheel graph of Chinese investment in Australia since 2007 which bears a passing resemblance to the torture robot from Star Wars.
为此,该网站将中国自2007年以来在澳大利亚的投资情况制作成了一幅旋转的动画轮状图,与《星球大战》(Star Wars)中的刑讯机器人颇有几分相似。
The graph, on which the user can toggle variables including geography and industries, does offer some insights. Most notably, it shows a significant decline in Chinese mining investments, down to $2.1 billion last year, a far cry from its 2008-2009 heyday. Chinese investment overall last year declined to $9.1 billion from $10.1 billion last year. And without China's State Grid Corp.'s outsized bid last year for Australian utility assets owned by Singapore Power Ltd., the 2013 figures would have been much lower.
在这幅图上,读者可以选择地理位置、行业种类等变量,它也的确带来了一些启示。最引人注目的是,该图显示,中国在澳大利亚的矿业投资显著下滑,去年降至21亿美元,远低于2008-2009年的高峰水平。去年中国在澳大利亚的投资总额从之前一年的101亿美元降至91亿美元。如果没有中国国家电网公司(China State Grid Co., 简称:国家电网)去年斥巨资从新加坡能源有限公司(Singapore Power Ltd.)手中收购澳大利亚电力资产的交易,中国2013年在澳大利亚的投资额还会小得多。
But the website, with its brightly-colored display of the march of Chinese investment across Australia, might not soothe any jangled nerves down under. A Lowy Institute poll of Australian voters last year found 57% of respondents concerned about Chinese buying of Australian assets, even though Chinese ownership remains relatively small. Agricultural land and real estate buys have been a particular worry, and the website shows nearly $1.3 billion in Chinese investment in the Australian real estate sector last year, up from just $286 million in 2012.
但是,哪怕是这个清晰展示中国在澳投资情况的网站可能也难以抚慰人们不安的神经。去年Lowy Institute对澳大利亚选民进行的一项调查显示,57%的受访者对中国收购澳大利亚资产感到担忧,即便中国取得的所有权仍相对较小。中国对澳大利亚农业用地和房地产的收购尤其令人担忧。该网站显示,去年中国对澳大利亚房地产行业投资了近13亿美元,远高于2012年的2.86亿美元。
An accompanying report on the website notes that 'Australians have long held a very emotional attachment to our agricultural land which explains why there remains significant public emotion and opinion polarity about foreign ownership'.
Meanwhile, WH Group Ltd.'s $4.7 billion acquisition of Smithfield Foods Inc. helped the U.S. beat out Australia as the top destination for Chinese investment abroad, with a total value of $14.5 billion in 2013.
与此同时,万州国际有限公司(WH Group Ltd.)斥资47亿美元收购Smithfield Foods Inc.的交易帮助美国取代澳大利亚成为中国最大的海外投资目的地。2013年中国在美国的投资总额为145亿美元。