The world knows them as the parents of Paris Hilton or as part of the legacy of Conrad Hilton -the hotelier behind the Hilton Hotels HLT +0.09% & Resorts chain. But this power couple, with an estimated $300 million net worth, oversee their own business empire, including the Hilton & Hyland real-estate firm and a global line of women's wear. Here's how they built it.
在世人眼里,里克・希尔顿(Rick Hilton)和凯西・希尔顿(Kathy Hilton)就是帕里斯・希尔顿(Paris Hilton)的父母,或者说是连锁企业希尔顿酒店及度假村(Hilton Hotels & Resorts)的创建者康拉德・希尔顿(Conrad Hilton)所留遗产的一部分。但这对估计资产净值达三亿美元、珠联璧合的夫妇其实还掌管着他们自己的商业帝国,其中包括房地产公司Hilton & Hyland和一家全球女装连锁企业。下面将介绍他们打造这个帝国的过程。
1. At 12, Rick sells stationery door-to-door. His father tells him, 'You're going to make much more money as an entrepreneur than working for others,' he recalls.
1. 12岁的里克挨家挨户地销售办公用品。据他回忆,父亲对他说:“自己创业赚的钱将比给别人打工赚的钱多得多。”
2. Kathy, 5, starts her first business-selling flowers from her family's garden.
2. 凯西在五岁时开始做生意:叫卖自家花园种出来的花。
3. The two meet in their teens. Rick works in his family's hotel business (while Kathy waits tables in a pizzeria), graduates in '78 from the University of Denver, then works for a real-estate investment firm until he decides to go solo.
3. 两人十几岁时相遇。里克在自己家族的酒店企业工作(凯西在一家比萨店当服务员),1978年从丹佛大学(University of Denver)毕业后在一家房地产投资公司工作,之后决定单干。
4. They get married. Kathy works in the banquet and sales department at the Waldorf Astoria-for $160 a week. ('The taxes would come out of that.') She later runs a gift store.
4. 两人结为夫妇。凯西在华尔道夫酒店(
Waldorf Astoria)的宴会与销售部工作,周薪160美元。(“还要从中扣税。”)她后来开了一家礼品店。

5. In 1984, Rick starts his own real-estate investment firm, which grows to $250 million in annual sales. Later merges it with his partner's business to form Hilton & Hyland.
5• 1984年,里克开了自己的房地产投资公司,后来年销售额增长至2.5亿美元。后来他将这家公司同合伙人的公司合并,组成了Hilton & Hyland公司。
6. They partner with QVC to sell household items in 2002, and some of Kathy's inventory sells out the first time she's on air. 'Kathy likes selling,' says Rick, 'so she would dominate.' The couple then ink a deal with HSN to sell their own line of skin-care products.
6. 他们在2002年与电视购物公司QVC合作销售家居用品,凯西第一次出镜,她的一部分库存旋即脱销。里克说:“凯西喜欢做销售,所以她会唱主角。”过后两人又与HSN达成协议,销售他们自己生产的护肤产品系列。
7. Rick represents Candy Spelling, Aaron Spelling's widow, on the sale of her 56,000-square-foot mansion in Holmby Hills, Los Angeles. It sells for $85 million in 2011.
7. 里克作为艾伦・斯佩林(Aaron Spelling)的遗孀坎迪・斯佩林(Candy Spelling)的代理人,出售她在洛杉矶霍姆比山(Holmby Hills)面积达5.6万平方英尺(约合5,200平方米)的公馆。2011年以8,500万美元的价格卖出。
8. Kathy designs a collection of formal dresses, which ships to Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom and some 400 other stores around the world. Meanwhile, Hilton & Hyland reports almost $2 billion in sales in 2013.
8. 凯西设计出一个礼服系列,在内曼・马库斯(
Neiman Marcus)、诺德斯特龙百货(
Hilton &