Twitter should take inspiration from Asian social media groups that convince users to pay for services rather than relying on advertising, the company’s revenue chief told the Financial Times.
Twitter全球营收业务总裁亚当•贝恩(Adam Bain)对英国《金融时报》表示,该公司应从亚洲的社交媒体企业那里吸取灵感,说服用户为服务付费,而不是单纯依靠广告收入。
Adam Bain said Twitter and the rest of the US internet sector could learn from the revenue model that has emerged in Asia, where products such as chat apps are used as platforms to sell everything from stickers to in-app games.
But he stopped short of suggesting that Twitter itself was planning on rolling out paid features on its platform.
“The model of why people pay for certain features, in Korea and Japan – there’s a really good example for the rest of us to learn,” he said. “The way they’ve got consumers to pay for features and services is interesting, and something everybody in our space could learn from.”
Twitter is expanding its advertising business outside the US. Although more than three-quarters of users are overseas, that segment only contributes about a quarter of the revenue.
The nearly-eight-year-old company made the vast majority of its $665m in revenue last year from advertising, in the form of promoted tweets, accounts and trends, with a small contribution from selling Twitter data to partners. But it is reported to be working on incorporating e-commerce into the platform after hiring Nathan Hubbard, the former chief executive of Ticketmaster , to work for Mr Bain just before its initial public offering last autumn.
Twitter成立现已八年。去年该公司收入6.65亿美元,绝大部分来自广告业务,主要形式包括推广性质的tweet消息、账号以及热门话题,还有一小部分收入来自于向合作伙伴出售Twitter数据。Twitter在去年秋季首次公开募股(IPO)之前,聘请了Ticketmaster前首席执行官内森•哈伯德(Nathan Hubbard)在贝恩手下工作;有报道称,自那以来Twitter一直致力于将电子商务纳入其平台。
Mr Bain has been travelling to learn about how marketers use the platform – and its rivals – and opening regional offices.
While Twitter competes with Facebook for social media advertising spending across the world, in Asia it faces other rivals in the form of chat apps such as Tencent’s WeChat and the Japanese service Line. Snapchat, which Facebook tried to buy, according to two people familiar with the matter, has also said Tencent was a “role model” for the company.
Facebook’s $19bn acquisition of WhatsApp last month underlined the value of chat apps and the importance for US social networks of further penetrating global markets.
But Mr Bain said that even in Asia there was no service offering quite what Twitter did to advertisers. “Our view is that Twitter is live, public, conversational and distributed. The power of those things together no other platform is offering. There are things that are live but not public or conversational or distributed, or those that are public that aren’t live and conversational.”
Brian Wieser, an analyst at Pivotal Research, said there was no reason western consumers could not be convinced to pay for online services like those in Asia.
Pivotal Research的分析师布赖恩•威泽(
Brian Wieser)表示,我们有理由认为,西方消费者能像亚洲消费者一样,被说服为网络服务付费。