In the movie Saving Mr. Banks, a crucial plot point hangs on whether movie mogul Walt Disney will make Mary Poppins an animated film. He promises author P.L. Travers (played by Emma Thompson) that he won’t. But we all know that parts of the film were animated. So is he lying or just carefully choosing his words?
在电影《大梦想家》(Saving Mr. Banks)中有一个关键情节,那就是电影大亨华特·迪士尼(Walt Disney)是否会把《欢乐满人间》( Mary Poppins )拍摄成一部动画电影。他向原作者P.L. 特拉弗斯(艾玛·汤普森饰演)许下诺言说他不会这么做。但是我们都知道,这部电影有一些片段是做成了动画。因此,究竟是他撒了谎,还是说他只是仔细斟酌了自己的用词?
How you feel about the movie depends a lot on this question. If you see Disney as a manipulative liar trying to trick Travers, the film doesn’t really work. But if you trust Disney that the small bits of animation he plans to add to the film won’t take away from Travers’ vision, the film is a sentimental triumph.
To sell the moment, the filmmakers turned to the most trustworthy of all actors: Tom Hanks. Although he didn’t land an Oscar nomination for his role, Hanks won universal praise for his portrayal of the prickly legend, and the $35 million film earned $100 million at the box office.
为了烘托这个时刻,制片人邀请了最受信赖的演员:汤姆·汉克斯(Tom Hanks)。尽管他没有凭借本片的角色获得奥斯卡奖提名,不过汉克斯传神地塑造了这位脾气暴躁的传奇人物,赢得了普遍的赞誉,让这部成本3,500万美元的电影获得了1亿美元的票房收入。
Hanks is the most trustworthy celebrity in Hollywood, according to our most recent Forbes/E-Score list. For its E-Score Celebrity service, E-Poll Research ranks more than 6, 600 bold-faced names on 46 attributes through public opinion polling. Hanks’ trustworthy score is 25 and his appeal is 81, putting him ahead of all other celebrities with a combined score of 106.
根据我们最近发布的福布斯/ E-Score排行榜,汤姆·汉克斯是最值得信赖的好莱坞名人。E-Poll 市场研究公司提供的E-Score名人服务通过民意调查,根据46个不同的人格特质对超过6,600位名人进行排名。汉克斯的信任度得分为25,他的吸引力得分为81,凭借106的综合总分远远超过其他名人。
“Trustworthy, like influential, can be very subjective descriptors based on the nature of their celebrity. For the most part, it reflects how genuine people perceive that person to be, ” says Gerry Philpott, president of E-Poll Market Research, which provides the E-Score data. “It positively impacts a celebrity’s ‘brand’ for getting top roles and endorsements if consumers see them as credible and believable.”
“像影响力一样,信任是非常主观的描述,取决于他们出名的性质。在大多数情况下,信任度反映出人们是否认为这个人做人诚恳真实。”E-Poll市场调查公司首席执行官格里·菲尔波特(Gerry Philpott)说,他为榜单提供了E-Score数据。“如果消费者认为他们诚实、可以信任,这对名人获得顶尖角色或广告代言的‘品牌形象’有积极的影响。”
Only a few people know how trustworthy Hanks is in real life. What people trust is his image. In film after film Hanks has reinforced his persona of the nice, dependable guy. Although he doesn’t do endorsements, marketers would gladly pay Hanks a fortune to speak up for their products.
Morgan Freeman, who in the past has topped the trustworthy list, ranks third this year. Freeman is one of the few trustworthy celebrities who takes advantage of his strong public image to shill products. Anyone watching the Olympics this year regularly hears Freeman’s distinct voice in Visa ads. He’s also made hay out of goofing on his own image. In the new Lego Movie, Freeman voices Vitruvius, a blind Lego guru who has his share of silly lines. Freeman scores a 21 for trustworthiness and an 82 for appeal.
此前名列值得信赖名人排行榜首位的摩根·弗里曼(Morgan Freeman)今年排名第三位。弗里曼是少数利用自己良好的公众形象推销产品的最值得信赖名人。今年观看奥运会的观众都会经常听到弗里曼在维萨卡(Visa)广告中独特的声音。他也利用自己的形象获得了高额的收入。在新上映的《乐高大电影》(Lego Movie)中,弗里曼为维特鲁威(Vitruvius)配音,这位盲人乐高先知在本片中有很多滑稽的台词。弗里曼的信任度得分为21,吸引力得分为82。
Sandwiched in between Freeman and Hanks is Carol Burnett, with a score of 24 for trustworthiness and an 80 for appeal. Considering those numbers, maybe someone should give the comic legend another show. Though she sometimes pops up in cameos on shows like Hot in Cleveland and Glee, Burnett mostly stays out of the limelight. She was recently nominated for an Emmy for the audio version of her book Carrie and Me about her daughter, who passed away at age 38.
卡罗尔·伯内特(Carol Burnett)的排名介于弗里曼和汉克斯之间,她的信任度得分为24,吸引力得分为80。考虑到这些分数,有人也许应该让这位喜剧界的传奇女星出演其他电视节目。尽管她有时会在《燃情克利夫兰》(Hot in Cleveland )和《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)等电视剧中客串,不过伯内特大部分时间都远离聚光灯的关注。她最近凭借作品《嘉丽和我》(Carrie and Me)的有声版获得艾美奖提名,这本书讲述了她38岁英年早逝的女儿。
Michael J. Fox ranks fourth with a 26 trustworthy score and a 76 for appeal. NBC was hoping to ride the star’s appeal all the way to the bank with The Michael J. Fox Show. But the show, loosely based on Fox’s struggles with Parkinson’s disease, is at serious risk of being canceled. It has been pulled from NBC’s lineup for now.
迈克尔·福克斯(Michael J. Fox)在榜单上位列第四,他的信任度得分为26,吸引力得分为76。全国广播公司(NBC)原本希望借助这位明星的号召力,通过电视剧《福克斯秀》(The Michael J. Fox Show)大挣一笔。这部电视剧根据福克斯与帕金森病斗争的亲身经历改编,不过面临停播的重大风险。这部电视剧目前已经从全国广播公司的节目表上撤下。
Rounding out the top five is Betty White. Best known for Golden Girls, White has staged something of a comeback over the last few years with films like The Proposal and TV shows like Off Their Rockers, in which older people pull pranks. At the age of 92 she is still beloved and shows no signs of slowing down. White scores a 22 for trustworthiness and a 79 for appeal.
贝蒂·怀特(Betty White)在榜单上排名第5位。她凭借电视剧《黄金女郎》(Golden Girls)广为人知,怀特在过去几年重返舞台,出演了《假结婚》(The Proposal )等电影和《奶奶也疯狂》(Off Their Rockers)等电视节目,这个真人秀节目表现了老人们的恶作剧。92岁高龄的贝蒂·怀特依然受人喜爱,没有显示放慢演艺脚步的迹象。怀特的信任度得分为22,吸引力得分为79。