Let's talk for a moment about the Olympic style, because style always matters at the Olympics, in particular the Winter Olympics, which is full of judgy-judgy, interpretive sports. But style counts everywhere. Even if you don't think you're being judged, you're being judgy-judged. Trust me.
A twist on Sochi style, of course, has been the weather, specifically the lack of cold, and how this has impacted what people are wearing. Or rather, what they're not. The other day a slopestyle skier skied in a T-shirt! A T-shirt! If you overstuffed your bags expecting the Winter Games to be a frigid, fur-lined glamour-in-Aspen blast, shoving thermal underwear upon thermal underwear into a side pocket, you overprepared. Hats are almost unnecessary, except at night. Gloves are overkill. I would suggest donating mittens to be used as sweaters for area cats, but area cats don't need sweaters. Boots still have some purpose in the mountains, if only to trudge through the sunny mountain slush.
Still, some specific trends have emerged:
Puffer jackets: It doesn't matter if you are an athlete or just an attendee, you are behind the curve if you are not in Sochi with a super duper lightweight puffer jacket, which is the outerwear of choice here in both the coastal cluster and the mountain region. You have seen these jackets. Lightweight puffer jackets are simply puffer jackets that have been stripped of weighty frills, have smaller puff compartments and weigh as much as an issue of the New Republic. The best ones can be smooshed up into a compact ball and stuffed inside a backpack, or, better yet, another lightweight puffer jacket. This is something of a tweener winter fashion-it really works best with the temperature hovering between 45 and 55 Fahrenheit-but it's perfect for Sochi.
Even if they're nowhere near as daring or memorable as the psychedelic Sochi volunteer jackets-the true style statement of these Games-there is great puffer pride here, a competition within the competition. The slickest of puffers have their nation or company name emblazoned somewhere prominently on the material. Nike NKE +0.27% has sewn the puffers for the U.S. team, which come in metallic silver, chrome almost, giving the wearer the appearance of a bulging pan of Jiffy Pop. Nike also furnishes the slick puffer jackets for NBC, which, owing to the network's clandestine internal Starbucks in Sochi, are rumored to come with hidden interior Secret Frappucino (SeFrapp) pockets.
Hockey jerseys: Hockey is the It Sport at these games, and got kicked with a supercharge on Saturday when the U.S. men's team defeated Russia 3-2 in an epic preliminary throwdown that somehow lived up to the comical pregame hype. Oversized and not the slightest bit body-fitting, hockey jerseys are the most socially acceptable of jerseys for fans to wear to the actual game (unlike football jerseys, which are deployed as a license for your dentist to behave like a lunatic on Sundays).
在这一波新浪潮中,其他胜出者还包括:俄罗斯的队服(老式、印有双头鹰标志,非常好看)、拉脱维亚的队服(深红色非常抢眼)和加拿大的队服(简洁、典雅、印着枫叶图案)。最好看的大概要数斯洛伐克的队服,他们把国歌横着印在队服上,形成了一道道横条――洋基队应该借用这一手法,把国歌歌词换成工资数额和罗德里奎兹(Alex Rodriguez)的律师们的电话号码就行了。
There are some beautiful oldies in sight here in Russia: some old CCCP, some old Team USA, a Red Wings Yzerman and a Blackhawks fan in a DITKA. (Yes, Ditka.) Nike took some grief for some of its U.S. team jerseys, but the retro USA ones they busted out on Sunday versus Slovenia (who dressed like the Hartford Whalers mixed with Key lime pie) were perfect. The new wave has other real standouts: Russia's are old-fashioned, double-headed-eagled, spectacular; Latvia is rocking handsome crimson; Canada again keeps it simple, graceful, maple-leafed. The best are probably Slovakia's, which have the national anthem scrolling across in horizontal pinstripes-a gimmick the Yankees should borrow, substituting lyrics for payroll figures and the telephone numbers of Alex Rodriguez's attorneys.
速滑服:到现在为止,你可能已经听说过了美国速滑队的伤心故事。他们抱着极大的夺牌热望来到索契,但在紧张的时尚危机中梦想破裂。《华尔街日报》的记者Josh Robinson和Sara Germano在一系列黯淡无光的结果出炉后报道说,速滑队员对他们的Under Armour队服感到厌恶,据说,队服是在火星上由生活在未来的机器人手工缝制的。
Skinsuits: By now you have probably heard about the style travails of the U.S. speedskating team, which arrived in Sochi with great medal ambitions, but has fallen apart amid an anxious fashion crisis. The Journal's Josh Robinson and Sara Germano broke the news that after a string of lackluster results, the speed skaters were in revolt about their Under Armour skin suits, which were allegedly handcrafted on Mars by robots living in the future. On Saturday, the team went back to the old suits and...same lackluster performance. So was it the suits? Chaos abounds, but there's a suspicion the suit-roversy injured team confidence, so even if the old suit was helping, it was undermined by all the rumpus. This has led to a conversation about the psychological benefits of style-if you are, in fact, what you wear-and you know this is all leading up to U.S. speedskating suits in Pyeongchang 2018 designed by Tom Ford, who is probably going to insist on cuff links, too.
上周六,速滑队穿上了老款队服,结果呢,成绩还是一样不尽人意。那么,这到底是是不是队服的问题呢?虽然众说纷纭,但有人怀疑,因队服而起的争议打击了团队的信心,所以,就算老款队服能有所助益,也被这些口角完全抵消了。这还导致了一场有关着装风格带来的心理助益的对话――如果真是人靠衣衫马靠鞍的话,那么你就会知道,这样的对话将延续到2018年平昌冬奥会上汤姆・福特(Tom Ford)设计的美国速滑队服上,估计他很可能也会坚持用袖扣。
Pants: Enough has already been said about curling pants and the curling pants craze, in particular the daring curling pants of the Norwegian curling team, which everywhere else are simply known as oh-look-it's-the-crazy-guy-at-a-barbecue pants. Pants in ice dancing are high-waisted, like Joaquin Phoenix and his buddies in 'Her.' Then there was Henrik Harlaut, the Swedish freestyle skier who enjoys skiing with Dirk Nowitzki's snowpants dangling from his knees.
裤装:有关冰壶运动员的裤装以及人们对这种裤装的狂热,谈论的已经够多了,特别是挪威冰壶队大胆的裤装,这种裤装在世界任何其他地方都会被叫做“看呐那就是烧烤怪人穿的裤子”。冰上舞者穿的裤装腰线很高,就像华金・菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)和他的伙伴们在电影《她》(Her)当中穿的那种裤子。还有亨里克・哈劳特(Henrik Harlaut),这名瑞典自由滑雪运动员喜欢穿着诺维茨基(Dirk Nowitzki)式的长及膝盖的裤子滑雪。
'It's part of my style,' Harlaut said.
Harmless fun. Everybody loves a pant-based sport. In Sochi, and the rest of the world. It's just a style truth.
ppointing activists who say the decision is likely to force more refugees into deeper poverty.
The financial capital's treatment of refugees has come under fierce criticism in recent years. Until a court ruling last year, Hong Kong refused to handle many asylum requests, effectively outsourcing them to the local office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, which helped refugees find homes elsewhere. The city doesn't allow recognized refugees to permanently settle inside its borders, instead requiring them to seek homes overseas.
近年来,香港对待难民的方式受到猛烈抨击。在去年法院作出相关判决之前,香港一直拒绝受理许多避难申请,实际上相当于把这些申请推给了驻香港的联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees)。该办事处帮助难民在其他地方寻找避难地。香港不允许被确定身份的难民在其境内永久定居,而是要求他们到境外寻找避难地。
That process of resettlement can take a decade or more, and in the meantime, many refugees and asylum-seekers live in squalid shacks dotting the city's periphery. Hong Kong technically allows refugees to work, but they must first seek approval from the immigration department, which rarely grants it, lawyers say. If they work without permission, they risk jail time.
On Tuesday, Cosmo Beatson of refugee-advocacy group Vision First lambasted the court's decision, calling it 'massively disappointing.' Other developed nations, he notes, such as the U.S., grant refugees the right to work.
周二,难民权益维护组织Vision First的Cosmo Beatson严厉批评了法院的决定,称该决定非常令人失望。他说,美国等其他发达国家都给予难民工作权。
'The right to work is a fundamental right,' he said. 'The fact that we've had refugees who've been recognized 10 years ago and still can't work is absolutely outrageous.'
Advocates say allowing refugees to work would have a limited impact on society, given that there are currently only around 100 recognized claimants in the city.
In its ruling, Hong Kong's court unanimously dismissed the appeal of four applicants identified in the judgment by their initials. The applicants hail from Burundi, Sri Lanka and Pakistan and all resided in Hong Kong for around a decade without the ability to work.
According to Daly & Associates, the law firm representing them, three of the four applicants are suffering from major depression or schizophrenia because of both the terrors they have suffered in the past and as a consequence of their uncertain status in Hong Kong.
代表这些申请人的律师事务所Daly & Associates说,四名申请人中有三人都出现严重的抑郁和精神分裂,诱因包括他们过去受到的恐吓以及他们在香港不确定的地位。
'This is not a case about 'immigrants' taking 'our jobs,'' said the firm's Mark Daly. 'It is a case about basic human dignity.'
该律所的戴利(Mark Daly)说:这无关于移民抢走我们工作机会的问题,这是关于人的基本尊严的问题。
Though three of the applicants can now work, Mr. Daly notes, they were given temporary permission, which expires this year, only after filing their latest appeal with the court.
A spokesman for city's security bureau, meanwhile, said that it welcomed the court's judgment, adding that the government had 'been acting and will continue to act in accordance with the law in a fair and reasonable manner.'