Sydney Finkelstein knows from bad leaders. A professor of strategy and leadership at Dartmouth's Tuck School of Business, he literally wrote the book on CEO flops (Why Smart Executives Fail: And What You Can Learn from Their Mistakes).
西德尼?芬克斯坦知道什么样的管理者差劲。身为达特茅斯塔克商学院(Tuck School of Business)的一名策略和领导力教授,他写过一本书,【《聪明的执行官为什么失败:你能从中学到什么》(Why Smart Executives Fail: And What You Can Learn from Their Mistakes)】,专门阐述了CEO们的滑铁卢。
Since 2010, he's used his expertise to put out a year-end list of the five worst CEOs of the year. He provided Fortune an early look, as well as, for the first time, a "Best" ranking. To choose his winners and losers, Finkelstein screens a variety of financial metrics, including stock price, cash position, and market share. Then he drills down to make sure the CEO was actually responsible for what happened. "That removes companies that have not done well because the whole industry struggled or just because of bad luck, " he says. "Then I look at specific strategic decisions." Below, a bit more context on the lucky few from Finkelstein.
Best CEOs of 2013
1. Jeff Bezos, Amazon
2. Akio Toyoda, Toyota
3. Pony Ma, Tencent (China)
4. John Idol, Michael Kors
4.约翰?艾杜尔,Michael Kors
5. Reed Hastings, Netflix
On Jeff Bezos : "For Bezos, everything is extreme. His long-term focus is unbelievable, as is his focus on customers. Coming up with the drone story the day before Cyber Monday, how good is that? And he is attracting the best MBA candidates, even though there's nothing inherently sexy about the core of what they do."
杰夫?贝佐斯 :“贝佐斯把一切都做到了极致。他这么多年来一如既往地专注本业发展,真是令人难以置信,就像他对客户的一贯注重一样。就在“网购星期一特卖日”(Cyber Monday)之前的一天,贝佐斯披露了亚马逊的无人机送货计划,难道这个主意还不够棒吗?而且,他能吸引到最出色的MBA学生应聘工作,尽管他们所作的事情本身并没有与生俱来的魅力。”
On Pony Ma : "What I really like is that he started off in a PC-based business. Two years ago he decided that the company needed to focus on mobile so he created WeChat for mobile. There's nothing comparable to that in the world."
马化腾 :“我真正欣赏他地方的是,他从个人电脑业务起家开始腾飞。两年前,他决定腾讯公司需要把重点放在移动业务上,还为移动应用领域创造了微信。放眼全球,目前还没有可以跟它相提并论的。”
On John Idol : "He has a lot of experience in the industry, running Tommy Hilfiger and Ralph Lauren. Michael Kors was struggling and near bankruptcy for years. Kors is a great designer but doesn't know anything about business. Idol and his partners bought the company for a small amount, and it has an $11 billion valuation now. They brought world-class strategic marketing to a company that never had it and made the decision to focus on accessible luxury.
约翰?艾杜尔 :“他曾经营
Tommy Hilfiger和拉夫?劳伦(
Ralph Lauren),在业内有非常丰富的经验。
Michael Kors公司曾陷入困境多年,甚至濒于破产。