Sharing photographs on Facebook is a quick way to lose friends, according to a new study.Researchers found those who repeatedly post pictures risk alienating themselves from many people who view them.
They may damage relationships with friends, relatives and colleagues who do not 'relate well to those who constantly share photos of themselves.
Partners who shared more photographs of events led to a decrease in intimacy. Similarly, a close friend who shared more photographs of friends could also expect to it to have a negative impact on the quality of that relationship.
A survey of more than 500 Facebook users found the quantity and subject matter of the images have an impact on the level of support and intimacy within relationships.
Dr David Houghton, of the University of Birmingham, said: ‘Our research found those who frequently post photographs on Facebook risk damaging real life relationships.'
The researchers also suggest big brand advertising campaigns, which encourage people to post photographs of themselves with the product on Facebook, risk damaging the relationships between their ‘fans’.