A cinema in Shanghai has given the movie 'Thor: The Dark World' an unexpected global marketing boost.
上海一家影院以令人意想不到的方式,给电影《雷神2:黑暗世界》(Thor: The Dark World)在全球造了势。
Shanghai Bona Insun International Cineplex apparently decided to eschew marketing materials provided by Marvel Studios and instead obtained its own. It apparently drew from an online community of admirers of the two male leads--admirers who speculate how wonderful it might be if their characters would kindle a relationship.
显然,上海博纳银兴国际影城(Shanghai Bona Insun International Cineplex)不打算使用漫威影业(Marvel Studios)提供的宣传资料,而是自辟蹊径,从两位男主演的一个在线粉丝论坛中搜罗资料,论坛的粉丝们一直期待着两个男主角有朝一日能擦出爱的火花。
The result is a poster showing the movie's main male character, Thor, embracing his adopted brother, Loki. Loki's languid, half-lidded expression only adds to the overall effect. (In the movie, Thor has eyes only for a character played by Natalie Portman.) The poster quickly became a hit on social networking sites in China and abroad.
结果是,一张男主角索尔(Thor)怀抱其义弟洛基(Loki)的海报出现在了影城中,而洛基那呆萌的表情和微张的眼神更是增强了基情气息(电影中索尔一心只爱由娜塔莉?波特曼(Natalie Portman)饰演的女主角)。这张海报在中国及全球的社交网站上迅速蹿红。
In real life, British actor Tom Hiddleston, who plays Loki, has a devoted Chinese and global fan base who see him as a dashing, sensitive heartthrob. And the poster, which also features co-star Chris Hemsworth, is most likely the product of a fan with a copy of Photoshop.
现实生活中,饰演洛基的英国演员汤姆?希德勒斯顿(Tom Hiddleston)在中国和全球都拥有数量庞大的粉丝群,粉丝们认为他温柔细腻、魅力四射。而这张将他与另一男主角克里斯?海姆斯沃斯(Chris Hemsworth)“腐”在一起的海报,很可能又是某个粉丝用Photoshop软件弄出来的。
Reaction online to what appears to be a tongue-in-cheek prank was mixed.
In China, comments on Weibo consisted mainly of smiley-face emoticons.
On Facebook--which is banned here--things were were a bit raunchier, with many suggestive references to Ang Lee's movie 'Brokeback Mountain.'
而在中国无法登录的Facebook上,情况则更猥琐一些,许多网友将这一海报和李安的电影《断背山》(Brokeback Mountain)相比较。
'A Shanghai cinema uses a fan-made poster by mistake, but it just makes me want to see the movie more,' wrote one Facebook user.
The cinema apologized on its verified Weibo account, saying the poster had been removed.
The episode left China Real Time wondering what cinema staffers might have been thinking. But it also reminded us of the power of social networking has for achieving buzz that sometimes even multi-million dollar advertising campaigns struggle to achieve.
China Real Time)不禁猜想电影院工作人员背后的心思。不过,这件事又体现出社交网络的造势能力,是多少上百万美元的电影宣传活动都力不能及的。