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来源:大耳朵 编辑:kelly   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Dad is a reserved man of few words but is always grave and strict. Whats more, he is quite different from others in ideas and practices: recklessly cursing and beating or bringing to account his son in the presence of neighbors as he strongly believes in such a principle: a dutiful son is the product of the rod, which is deeply ingrained in his mind from his own father.


At about 8 or 9 years old, I got my lump or a dressing down with each passing day. Dad busied himself outside in the day time but began to take me to task for whatever I did wrong at table after the supper. Mom and my elder sister took turns at telling on me for having made trouble here and there, so he would strap me like anything, leaving my arms a lot of bruises, so for this very reason I had to wear long-sleeve jacket in my childhood.


So I was emotionally upset and disturbed in spite of just a 10-year-old kid, who thought, “I was indiscriminately beaten, so I would vent my spleen on other smaller kids”. At that time, we lived in a neighborhood of the military residential quarters, so I used to brawl with other kids in the neighborhood and Dad would deal me a heavier blow the next time.


It turned out that I completely lost control of this thong and found it impossible for me to concentrate on my lessons as I came to blows with other kids all day long. Everything went from bad to worse for me so much so that I couldnt write out the English alphabet, nor could I do arithmetic. To make matters worse, I was sent into a reformatory school where I stayed remorsefully for two and a half years.


This time Dad shed bitter tears, simultaneously repentant of all he did me, saying ruthful, “Son, it is not that I dont love you but that I should not have been so exasperated at your failure to live up to my expectations!”


Retiring from the army, he gave me 10,000 US dollars for a trip around the world.


Upon getting back from this trip, he said to me, “Book knowledge is undoubtedly valuable but he who travels far and wide should know better at the time of your life. I guess you are now fully prepared to get started for work.”


At 26, I started up Runhua Machinery Co., Ltd., which was later poorly performed and went bankrupt; it was not long before I started to engage in a dyestuff plant which happened to be blown up. At all these, my father only gave me such words, “Samuel Yin, I will congratulate you on your being fortunately showered with the god-given setbacks and failures, which should be chalked up to your life experience so that you will make fewer mistakes in life.”


The Ph.D. graduation ceremony was grandly commenced at National Chengchi University (NCCU) and my parents were honorably invited to show up. Dad didnt say a single word in praise of me but cried bitterly again this time, and at this very moment, my mind was a turmoil of mixed emotions and I stood on the stage with warm tears welled up in my eyes: the first time you cried bitterly for my being a young hooligan, but this time you cried bitterly for my being a Ph.D.


Never have put my children right by resorting to force as I am sober-minded that I was beaten into behaving indecently. I often say to my children, “Well done! A perfect job youve done. Now Daddy will give you thumbs up or pat you on the back!”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
upset [ʌp'set]


adj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的
v. 推翻,

ingrained [in'greind]


adj. 根深蒂固的 adj. 深嵌入纺织品或纤维的 动

bankrupt ['bæŋkrʌpt]


adj. 破产的,贫穷的,道德败坏的,枯竭的

congratulate [kən'grætju.leit]


vt. 祝贺

reserved [ri'zə:vd]


adj. 保留的,预订的,冷淡的,缄默的

grave [greiv]


n. 坟墓,墓穴
adj. 严肃的,严重的,庄

vent [vent]


n. 排气口,表达,发泄,火山口 v. 发泄,表达,排放

impossible [im'pɔsəbl]


adj. 不可能的,做不到的

simultaneously [saiməl'teiniəsli]


adv. 同时地(联立地)

brawl [brɔ:l]


n. 争吵,大声的吵闹 vi. 争吵,发出大声吵闹


关键字: 眼泪 父亲 救赎




