The flavor of the month in emerging markets is a fish-based broth with rice noodles, ginger and lemongrass called mohinga. Myanmar's national dish, it's sure to be on the menu at this week's World Economic Forum event in the former pariah state.
本月,从新兴市场飘来的香味是一种被称为“鱼板面”(mohinga)的缅甸国菜。鱼板面以鱼汤为底,加入米粉,再配以生姜和香茅等调料。本周,世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)在缅甸这个曾经被孤立的国家召开会议期间,鱼板面一定会出现在菜单上。
While Myanmar is a mouthwatering a proposition, gorging on it too soon carries a lot of risk. The country ticks many boxes in terms of potential. Its population of 60 million has almost zero cellphone penetration. It's in a logistical sweet spot between China and India and is rich in natural resources. New laws, including measures to allow 100% foreign ownership of companies in some sectors, show the politicians are open to foreign investment.
To say that these are the early days in a frontier economy is an understatement: There is virtually no ATM network and very few commercial bank branches, for instance.
Foreigners have duly rushed in to fill a business and economic vacuum. Growth in foreign direct investment is soaring. Executives from giant global corporations in finance, consumer goods, accounting and construction now regularly fill Myanmar's meager hotel space. The cost of real estate in the center of the main business hub, Yangon, is on a par with that of Bangkok, which is far more developed.
But investors in Myanmar should heed lessons from Vietnam, which opened up to the world in a similar fashion two decades ago. The failure rate for early investors in that market may have been as high as 90%, says Don Lam, chief executive of Vinacapital, one of Vietnam's largest asset managers.
但进入缅甸的投资者应该注意吸取越南的经验教训。20年前越南也曾以类似方式对世界开放。越南最大的资产管理机构之一Vinacapital的首席执行长Don Lam说,进入越南的早期投资者的失败率可能高达90%。
Too much foreign capital chased too few potential partners or businesses with any track record. Also, there was too much focus on the impact of rising incomes on consumer-goods sales. The outcome, Mr. Lam says, was a lot of investment in risky, green-field projects, or Western-style consumer-goods businesses that didn't have a strong enough customer base for another decade.
目前在缅甸,有太多的外国资本在追逐潜在合作伙伴或企业,而有任何过往记录可查的企业又太少。另外,对于收入上升对消费品销售的影响的关注又太多。Don Lam说,这造成的后果就是有大量投资进入风险较大的绿地投资项目或西式消费品企业。这些企业要再过10年才会拥有足够强大的客户基础。
Foreign investment in Vietnam surged between 1988 and 1995, but began slowing markedly thereafter, partly because high costs and poor infrastructure stymied returns, according to the International Monetary Fund. And while the Asian Financial Crisis squeezed foreign interest across the region in the late 1990s, foreign investment was slower to recover in Vietnam than in neighboring countries, the IMF says.
Myanmar's potential could attract about $170 billion in capital inflows between now and 2030, McKinsey estimates. A healthy appetite among foreign investors would surely help transform the economy. But those who put money into Myanmar too soon may well find their first taste ultimately turns sour.