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When I had been at the FT for about a year, a young woman who had just joined the paper invited me out for a drink. I had barely taken a first sip of acidic white wine when she declared herself terminally bored with writing mundane corporate news stories and asked if I was too. No, I replied. I found it very interesting.

“I really envy you,” she said, fixing her big, round eyes on me. I settled back into my seat, preparing to be told what a brilliant financial journalist I was. Instead she said: “You seem so happy just bumbling along. I wish I could be like that, but I can’t – I’ve always been a compulsive overachiever.”
As an insecure, rabidly ambitious 25-year-old, I wasn’t terribly pleased to be put in the bumbler class. Neither was I fooled by the faux-envy. Yet I now discover that she was on to a general truth that almost never gets acknowledged: bumblers make happier workers and may be worthy objects of envy.
Last week I was sent a new piece of research showing that the worst-performing employees are often the most engaged ones. This is a radical departure from the standard view that performance and engagement go hand in hand: high performers are meant to be the motivated ones and the all-round cheerleaders, while low performers are supposed to belong to the awkward squad and be disaffected and grumpy.
Instead, according to the consultancy Leadership IQ, the feeblest workers in almost half the companies surveyed fared much better than the high-flyers on three measures of engagement. They were more likely “to give 100 per cent”, they were more likely to recommend their company to others, and they were more inclined to think that their bosses treated people fairly.
但咨询公司Leadership IQ提供的资料显示,在接受调查的近半数公司中,能力最弱的员工在三项有关投入程度的指标上表现得远比抱负极高的员工要好得多。他们更有可能“100%地投入工作”,更愿意将自己的公司介绍给其他人,并且他们更倾向于认为自己的老板对待员工的方式是公平的。
The consultancy concludes that this is a worrying consequence of bad management. In these companies, the useless are not told that they are useless but are left to trundle along believing themselves to be good. The upshot is that their more able and hardworking colleagues come to resent them and end up cynical, disengaged, critical of the company and prone to quit the minute they get the chance.
Leadership IQ得出的结论是,这是管理不当所造成的令人担忧的后果之一。在这类公司内部,能力不行的人没有被告知他们难担重任,而是被放任着瞎忙活,同时还自我感觉良好。由此产生的结果是,其他更有能力、也更努力工作的员工对这类同事心生厌恶,并最终变得愤世嫉俗,对工作不再全心投入,对公司心怀不满,并且倾向于一有机会就立刻走人。
There may be some truth in this account of the relatively happy bumbler syndrome. But if I think back to my colleague all those years ago, there are some more elemental reasons for the bovine contentment of the terminally feeble and the gnawing dissatisfaction of the overachiever. For a start, poor performers may feel fortunate to have a job at all, while overachievers feel almost any job is a let-down. (My ex-colleague has risen through quite a few jobs since leaving the FT.) With lower expectations, bumblers feel less inclined to criticise their employers and don’t assume they are brighter than their bosses. Neither do they feel enraged that they are not being given more interesting things to do.
It may be even more basic than this: bumblers are Type B personalities who are simply built to be happier. A recent academic study showed that ambitious, Type A personalities are more successful but bumbling Type Bs are at least as happy and live longer. Other studies have shown how life’s “satisficers”, who do the minimum to achieve the desired result, are generally better pleased with their work than the “maximisers”, who strive to do things as well as possible and are inevitably disappointed with the outcome.
But whatever the reasons for the relative happiness of bumblers, their existence in such large numbers in most businesses I have experienced overturns two tenets of modern management practice.
First it shows that all this stuff about employee engagement is nonsense. The engagement of a high-flyer is worth a lot – or rather it is worth a lot if it means they stick around (which often they don’t). The engagement of the lowest flyer is worth less than nothing, as ideally you would want them to be so disengaged that they would slope off somewhere else. If moderately poor performers feel happy that’s nice for them, but surely not a top aim of management if the result does not lead to them working any harder.
The even more troubling implication of this survey is that there is little point in trying to manage people at all. If under-achievers are in part happy because management has washed its hands of them, then surely the same trick ought to be applied to everyone. If all staff were left to their own devices, the ambitious could get on with being ambitious and the bumblers could get on with bumbling. An awful lot of managerial effort would be saved, and everyone would be a little happier than they were before.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
resent [ri'zent]


vt. 恨,生气

awkward ['ɔ:kwəd]


adj. 笨拙的,尴尬的,(设计)别扭的

contentment [kən'tentmənt]


n. 满足,使人满足的事

outcome ['autkʌm]


n. 结果,后果

feeble [fi:bl]


adj. 虚弱的,无力的

experienced [iks'piəriənst]


adj. 有经验的

disappointed [.disə'pɔintid]


adj. 失望的

critical ['kritikəl]


adj. 批评的,决定性的,危险的,挑剔的

disengaged [.disin'geidʒd]


adj. 脱离的,解开的,超然的 动词disengage

inevitably [in'evitəbli]


adv. 不可避免地





