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China is putting the heat on foreign auto makers.

On Wednesday, Volkswagen AG said it would recall more than 380,000 vehicles following a critical report from China's powerful state-run television broadcaster last week alleging problems with the transmissions in some of its most popular models. A VW spokesman said it was too early to estimate costs, though some analysts said the recall could run as high as $618 million.
周三,大众汽车(Volkswagen AG)宣布,它将召回逾38万辆汽车。此前中国影响力很大且具有官方背景的一家电视台上周报道,大众汽车生产的部分最受欢迎的车型存在变速箱问题。大众汽车发言人说,现在估计成本还为时过早。但一些分析师表示,此次召回的成本可能高达6.18亿美元。
China Central Television this week broadcast separate complaints claiming luxury autos made by BMW AG, Audi and Daimler AG reduced cabin noise and absorbed vibration with materials it said emitted fumes that were harmful to consumer health. CCTV's reports cited test results conducted by Beijing University of Chemical Technology that showed traces of asphalt.
中国中央电视台(CCTV)这周另外又播出了多位消费者的投诉,称宝马汽车公司(BMW AG)、奥迪(Audi)和戴姆勒公司(Daimler AG)生产的豪华汽车所使用的降噪减震阻尼片会散发出对消费者健康有害的异味。央视的报道引用了北京化工大学(Beijing University of Chemical Technology)的检测结果,结果显示这种材料含沥青残余。
The state-owned broadcaster kept up the drumbeat on Wednesday, parking a reporter outside a Mercedes-Benz auto facility in Beijing. 'We will wait outside the company until they have a sincere attitude,' she told viewers.
A spokesman for Daimler, which owns the Mercedes-Benz brand, said it immediately began a probe in the matter, but defended its China-made cars saying they use only imported damping materials that comply with regulations world-wide.
BMW and Audi, which is owned by Volkswagen, said they launched their own probes following the complaints. BMW said it applies uniform standards to its auto production world-wide. An Audi spokesman said a laboratory test on Wednesday found no emissions that would impact health.
The broadcasts were tied to an annual consumer rights day on Friday that has become a major event in China and has been used to target foreign brands ranging from Apple Inc. to McDonald's Corp. in ways that reflect government policy. CCTV hasn't only broadcast reports on foreign brands; this year it also took issue with autos made by domestic manufacturer, Jianghuai Automobile Co.
上述节目均同上周五的国际消费者权益日有关。央视在这一天播出的晚会已经成为中国国内关注的主要事件。晚会针对的国外品牌从苹果(Apple Inc.)到麦当劳(McDonald's Corp.),不一而足。其批评的方式反映的是政府政策。央视不仅播出针对国外品牌的报道,今年它也瞄准了国内汽车制造商江淮汽车(Jianghuai Automobile Co.)的产品。
The focus on cars comes amid signs of frustration from Chinese officials over the dominance in the world's largest auto market of foreign brands, which enjoy a reputation for quality here.
In December, amid a new government push for austerity amid rising concerns over official corruption, China's president and new Communist Party top official Xi Jinping told government officials to use homegrown auto brands, noting, 'officials in foreign countries mostly use cars produced by their own countries unless they don't have production,' according to official media.
In January, Chinese industry officials renewed calls to consolidate China's diffuse auto industry to create three to five major competitors and develop homegrown brands for Chinese drivers.
'There is a lot of resentment of the fact that the Chinese cannot compete with foreign auto makers,' said Greg Anderson, chief executive of political risk and business strategy consultancy Pacific Rim Advisors, and author of a recent book on China's auto industry. 'Foreigners have to be perfect or else the Chinese media is ready to pounce,' he added.
政治风险和商业战略咨询公司Pacific Rim Advisors的首席执行长安德森(Greg Anderson)说,很多人对中国车企无法同外国汽车制造商竞争的事实存有不满。外国汽车品牌最好做到完美无瑕,否则中国媒体随时准备调查报道。安德森最近出版了一本有关中国汽车业的新书。
McKinsey & Co. partner Axel Krieger said global auto makers should take the increased scrutiny by authorities as a sign of Beijing's wishes. 'Foreign auto makers need to be a bit more thoughtful about how they can contribute to China,' he said. 'It's not just about companies making profit. It's about industrial policy─about helping China build its automobile industry.'
麦肯锡公司(McKinsey & Co.)合伙人柯明逸(Axel Krieger)说,全球汽车制造商应该将中国有关部门日益加大的审查力度视作北京就自己的愿望发出的一个信号。他说,对于自己能给中国带来什么贡献的问题,外国汽车制造商应该考虑地更周全一些。它们想的不该仅仅是如何赚取利润,还应该关心产业政策,即如何帮助中国建立其汽车产业。
More than 15.5 million cars were sold in China last year, up 7% from the year before. Foreign brands accounted for 70% of sales, with Volkswagen and General Motors Co. GM +3.91% nameplates among the top-selling brands. The government has set a goal of boosting domestic-brands' market share to 40% by 2015.
去年中国市场上共售出了超过1,550万辆汽车,较上一年增长了7%。外国品牌占中国国内汽车销量的70%,其中大众和通用汽车公司(General Motors Co.)属最畅销品牌行列。中国政府设定了目标,欲到2015年将本土品牌的市场份额增至40%。
But only Japanese brands have disclosed weaker year-over-year sales than the domestic brands in recent months as a territorial dispute between Beijing and Tokyo soured consumers on Japanese cars and prompted some potential buyers to fear their cars could be vandalized or they could be harassed or even attacked.
Many of China's auto makers have seen strong profit and sales gains, but that is due in large part to joint ventures with foreign-based companies like GM and VW. China's largest auto maker SAIC Motor Corp., 600104.SH +4.03% which has manufacturing ventures with GM and VW, posted a 12.4% year on year sales gain to 4.14 million vehicles in the first 11 months of last year.
中国国内的很多汽车制造商利润和销售收入都很强劲,但这在很大程度上要归功于那些与通用汽车和大众等外国厂商建立的合资企业。分别与通用和大众合资的中国最大汽车生产商上海汽车集团股份有限公司(SAIC Motor Corp.)去年前11个月销售了414万辆汽车,同比增加12.4%。
China is the largest market for the Volkswagen, with around one in five vehicles sold in the country belonging to the German auto maker. In 2012, the company reached sales of 2.2 million vehicles last year, up 24.8%. Globally it sold around 9.3 million vehicles in the same period. Operating profit at its two Chinese joint ventures jumped 42% last year.
Volkswagen this month said it plans to nearly double its annual manufacturing capacity in China, already its largest market, in the next five years to 4 million vehicles. It has said its two Chinese joint ventures would spend nearly $13 billion through 2015 on production and technology expansion. Its robust sales in the country and other emerging markets have helped it largely escape the brunt of Europe's shrinking auto market.
Volkswagen on Wednesday said it would recall 384,181 vehicles with seven-speed double-clutch transmissions beginning on April 2. Spokesman Christoph Ludewig said the recall would involve changing the electronics in the control unit of the transmissions of recalled cars. John Zeng, a director at LMC Automotive Consulting (Shanghai), estimates such replacement work would cost between 3,000 (about $480) yuan and 10,000 yuan a vehicle.
大众周三说,将从4月2日起召回384,181辆配备七速双离合变速箱的车辆。发言人路德维希(Christoph Ludewig)说,将更换召回车辆的变速箱机电单元。据艾尔西汽车市场咨询(上海)有限公司(LMC Automotive Consulting (Shanghai))总监曾志凌估计,这类更换费用每辆车大概在人民币3,000元至10,000元之间。
For the other German brands, CCTV cited tests on damping materials in six models, including the Mercedes-Benz C series, E series, BMW 3 series, BMW 5 series, Audi A6 and Audi Q5. One Mercedes-Benz owner named Jin told CCTV that a pungent odor in the car led him to suffer from dizziness, stinging eyes and a sore throat.
Still, analysts said it could take much more than the broadcasts to hurt the reputation of foreign brands in China.
'In spite of growing complaints about Volkswagen's gear boxes, it is still the largest passenger car maker in China,' said LMC Automotive's Mr. Zeng.
On China's voluble Twitter-like microblogs, which serve as a national forum for conversation in a country with tight media restrictions, a number of people expressed skepticism about the reports.
'Consumers of Mercedes and BMW are rich people,' said one, posting under the name Sincerity with Regret. 'Could CCTV pay more attention to the disadvantaged groups in China, such as farmers, and expose more about the companies that cause thousands of farmers to get cancer?'
Another blogger wrote: 'I am more concerned with the low-end cars that Chinese civilians buy, and what is the material they use in these cars? I hope that CCTV doesn't avoid such issues.'

重点单词   查看全部解释    
luxury ['lʌkʃəri]


n. 奢侈,豪华,奢侈品

reputation [.repju'teiʃən]


n. 声誉,好名声

emerging [i'mə:dʒ]


vi. 浮现,(由某种状态)脱出,(事实)显现出来

corruption [kə'rʌpʃən]


n. 腐败,堕落,贪污

odor ['əudə]


n. 气味,名声,气息

brand [brænd]


n. 商标,牌子,烙印,标记
vt. 打烙印,

vibration [vai'breiʃən]


n. 震动,颤动

uniform ['ju:nifɔ:m]


n. 制服
adj. 一致的,统一的

pungent ['pʌndʒənt]


adj. 刺鼻的,辛辣的,尖锐的,刻薄的

gear [giə]


n. 齿轮,传动装置,设备,工具
v. 使适应


关键字: 外国 汽车 厂商




