WHEN I WAS 16, I went to Berlin─West Berlin, since at that time a wall still divided the city─to live for three months with a family on an exchange program. They were a nice bunch, the mother a teacher, the father an engineer, a pretty and exuberant daughter who'd recently stayed with my family in Toronto and their son, who was a year or two older than I was. All the family members were also, as it turned out, very active members of a group called the Freik?rperkultur, or FKK, which translates as 'Free Body Culture.' In other words, a nudist club.
我16岁时参加了一个交流项目,在柏林──西柏林,因为当时仍有一道 将这座城市分隔开──的一个家庭中住了三个月。他们一家人都很好,母亲是老师,父亲是工程师,漂亮而活力四射的女儿(最近她和我们全家一起待在多伦多),他们的儿子比我大一、两岁。后来我发现,他们家所有人都是一个叫Freik?rperkultur(FKK,翻译过来就是“自由身体文化”)的团体的活跃成员。这个团体说白了就是一个天体俱乐部。
I hadn't expected this when I signed up for a German cultural exchange through my high school; somehow I hadn't been aware I might have to get naked in public. In fact I knew shamefully little about my host country. Yet nudism, as far as I know, is fairly mainstream in Germany to this day (and not, as it is here, the province of hippies and public radio humorists).
The nudist outings were going to be pretty much mandatory, my hosts explained to me─much like speaking the language or eating the food. The family felt strongly that, to properly explore their native ways, I needed to join in the nudist activities. If I closed my mind to nudism, I'd prove myself closed to the wonder of life itself. While there would be no punishment if I refused to participate, they implied that such a lapse of courage on my part would signal a deep moral failure─possibly a spiritual one.
At 16, I was more resilient and easygoing than I am now. After a few hours of confusion and mild alarm, I shrugged my shoulders, suppressed my panic and acquiesced.
The good news was that the nudity was mostly a weekend gig. We drove to the 'Free Body Culture' property, which involved a body of fresh water, expanses of bedraggled grass richly festooned with goose and duck droppings and a few stunted trees. We passed through the change rooms, where we divested ourselves of our clothes and left them in unlocked lockers. And then among the shrubs, hundreds of free bodies spread out, picnicking and sunning. I came to understand that a German nudist, in 1984, loved little more than to work on his or her tan.
There was a code of eye contact: You didn't ogle people below the neck when you talked to them. You kept your eyes fixed firmly on their faces. But of course you looked later, when you thought no one was paying attention. I remember noticing old and middle-aged bodies and feeling sorry for their owners: how tragic to be so saggy, bulgy and wrinkly. How strange to be apparently proud of the condition, rather than mortified by it.
It was a little odd to be naked in the company of the teenage son, whom I'd only met days before. But he was so casual and good-natured that I almost forgot how freakish it would have been to blithely disrobe among the boys I knew back home.
My main complaint about the sunbathing afternoons proved not to be self-consciousness. It was simple boredom. I wondered what these people were doing, sitting around naked, chitchatting now and then. Were they waiting for something to happen?
I was definitely waiting for something, especially when I felt a chill breeze sweep up from the water. I was waiting to be allowed to put my clothes back on. The tan-giving sun was all very well; actual comfort was far better. 'I'm cold,' I plaintively expressed, more than once, but each time my obvious constitutional weakness was met with strict disapproval.
It wasn't all sunbathing and small talk. We also swam naked─I remember an actual swim meet─and played basketball. The basketball was the worst.
We wore nothing but sneakers. No brassieres, no jockstraps. There was flopping, and there was pain. There was the sight of nude people, bouncing and swinging above bulky white athletic shoes. Could this be the wonder my German family had talked about, the beauty of the unclad human form? Was this jiggling, dangling dance with a large, orange ball indeed our highest, purest identity?
I tried to open my mind as I jumped and flopped. I'd jam it open if I could. Open, O Mind! Open right now! I'll prise you open with a clawhammer!
And yet, in the end, the Germans were absolutely right. The Free Body Culture gave me a gift I might never have received had I refused to play along. It left me with an acute sense of the absurd─one I still cherish─to be there among my fellow apes, awkward and less than half-willing, aiming and missing, leaping, landing and wincing.