Given all the buzz, you'd think an iWatch from Apple would be a case of "when" rather than "if." In theory, such a device could push computing forward. Users could check messages and get alerts and directions without having to whip out their iPhones. (And Dick Tracy would be spinning in his grave.) Here's our quick list of features we'd like to see find their way into the still mythical device.
Device pairing. Apple (AAPL) was recently granted a patent for a technology that would allow the two-way transmission of data between a portable media device and an accessory. While most Apple patents never see reality, this one opens the door to a watch that pairs with an iPhone so users could say, view messages, calendar events, Facebook (FB) notifications, or get turn-by-turn directions.
Accelerometer. Imagine what an accelerometer would enable the iWatch to do. Given popular bracelets like Jawbone's Up and the Nike+ (NKE) Fuel Band, the iWatch could also be a similar health device, keeping track of things like steps taken and calories burned.
加速计。想象一下加速计将能使iWatch具备哪些功能吧。看看现在流行的健康腕带,比如Jawbone's Up和耐克公司(Nike)的Nike+ Fuel Band,iWatch可能也会成为类似的保健设备,能够追踪走路的步数和消耗的热量。
Curved display. Another patent Apple filed in 2011 reveals the company is working on a flexible screen wrist band with a touch-sensitive curved display "across a portion of the wearable video device where the flexible display overlaps itself." Sure, it'd be an aesthetic thing, but a curved high-resolution display would be -- for lack of a better word -- hot.
Rechargeable battery. Chances are an iWatch wouldn't run for long on conventional watch batteries, so we hope Apple finds a way to make it rechargeable via Lightning cord or even partly by wrist movements like today's kinetic watches. Equally as important: at least a full-day of battery life in between charges.
可充电电池。iWatch如果用常规电池很可能无法续航太久,所以我们希望苹果能通过闪电接口数据线(Lightning cord),或至少采用如今的动能手表那样的技术,利用腕部活动来为电池充电。同样重要的是,两次充电之间至少要能保持一整天的续航时间。
All kinds of sizes. In this case, one size might not fit all. Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster wrote recently that a wearable computer could prove more popular with men than women if designed on the larger or chunkier side. "It is less likely women will embrace them given women's watches tend to be smaller with a greater emphasis on fashion," explained Munster. Whether or not that's true, Munster sort of has a point: The iWatch may have to come in different flavors to cater to different people. A phone is one thing. But something you strap to your wrist? That's a sartorial statement.
各种尺寸。就尺寸而言,一种尺寸可能无法适合所有用户。派杰投行(Piper Jaffray)的分析师吉恩?明斯特日前写道,较大尺寸的可佩戴电脑更容易被男性用户接受。他解释说:“女性不太可能戴这种东西,因为女款手表往往更小,更强调时尚感。”不管这是不是真的,明斯特要表达的主要观点是:iWatch可能必须推出各种尺寸,以适合各类人群。手机是一回事,但说到你要戴在手腕上的产品,就是另外一回事了。因为它事关穿着品味。
What do you think? What would you like to see in the iWatch?