奶奶:Nelson, this is your last warning.小盆友,我再警告你最后一次...
奶奶:Earl, I can't get Nelson to go to bed. I've tried bribes. I've tried threats. Nothing works.老公,我管不了小孙孙。这熊孩子死守着电视不睡觉,软硬都不吃。
爷爷:Nelson, it's time for bed.乖孙儿,该睡觉觉咯。
孙子:I'm not sleepy.不嘛,我还不困。
爷爷:Not sleepy? Great!! Then I can tell you the complete story of my life. I promise I'll spare no details. Okay. Let's see...It all started...还不困?好极了!那我就继续给你讲咱这半辈子的故事,我这回保证毫无保留,爷爷小时候哇....
孙子:ZZZZZ...ZZZZ!!!呼(~ o ~)~zZ,呼(~ o ~)~zZ!
爷爷:It's gift, I guess.看我这实力,服了吧?