It's time for a new year and a new you, but perhaps your heart is not in it this time around. Maybe you're jaded from too many failed New Year's resolutions, or maybe you're just not feeling motivated these days. Here are a few reasons why you may not be feeling it:
1. You're comfortable. If your life is quite comfortable, you may lose motivation to push yourself to grow. Keep in mind that it's always good to get out of your comfort zone, because that's the only way you can improve yourself. Do something you're hesitant about every week, and you'll find yourself getting used to it or even looking forward to the challenge after some time.
1. 你太安逸了。如果生活太舒适,你会失去促使你成长的动力。请记住,走出“舒适区”总是好的,因为那是唯一能提高自己的方法。每周做一些让你犹豫不决的事,你会发现自己会慢慢习惯,甚至在一段时间后就会期待挑战了。
2. Taking on too much. If you set unrealistic expectations, you are setting yourself up for higher chances of failing, which can cause you to lose motivation. Make sure your goals are actually achievable before setting them.
2. 承担太多。如果你有不切实际的期望,也就更可能失败,这会让你失去奋斗的动力。在设立目标前,要确定目标是可以实现的。
3. You've given up. After so many failures, you may be immune to tackling challenges. It can be scary to put yourself out there again, but the greater the risk, the greater the rewards! If you're extremely gun-shy, take baby steps so you'll feel more confident once you manage to score small achievements.
3. 你已经放弃。太多次失败后,你面对挑战已经“免疫”了。再次尝试可能会让你胆怯,但是风险越大,回报也就越大!如果你对自己实在没有信心,那就一步步来,这样当你获得小成就时,就会变得更有自信。
4. People around you. Maybe you have someone in your life who brings you down, perhaps out of their own insecurities or maybe because they can't adjust to the idea of a different you. Try to explain your reasons for attempting a change and ask for their support. If they can't come to terms with it, perhaps it's better to keep your distance until they come around.
4. 你身边的人。可能生活中的某个人让你情绪低落,这也许是出于他们自己的不安全感或是因为他们不能适应你的改变。试着跟他们解释下改变的原因,请他们支持。如果他们不能接受,也许保持距离等他们来找你会更好。