Britney Spears said Friday she has made the "difficult decision" to leave Fox's "The X Factor" after one season.In a statement, the pop singer said she had an incredible time working on the singing contest but that it was time to get back into the studio to record.
布兰妮(Britney Spears)在上周五发表声明说她已经做出了一个艰难的决定,那就是在下一季结束后离开FOX台的《X音素》(The X Factor)。在声明中,布兰妮表示她与这档节目一起度过了一段令人难忘的日子,不过是时候重回个人歌唱事业了。
It was widely reported Thursday that Spears and "X Factor" were parting ways after a season in which the show's ratings fell and Spears received lackluster reviews as a panelist. Fellow panelist Antonio "L.A." Reid previously announced he was leaving, giving creator-executive producer Simon Cowell two spots to fill.
据上周四的报道称,节目收视率下降和布兰妮呆板的表现是她和《X音素》分道扬镳的主要原因。早前,同为评委的雷德(Antonio "L.A." Reid)也表明将不再担任评委,给同为主创和执行制片人西蒙·考威尔(Simon Cowell)留下了两个评委空缺。
Fox has been informed of Spears' decision, her publicist, Jeff Raymond said Friday. Fox spokeswoman Gaude Paez confirmed that Spears is leaving the show and said the network had no further statement.
布兰妮的发言人杰夫·雷蒙德(Jeff Raymond)于周五表示已告知FOX台这一决定。FOX台的发言人高蒂·帕耶兹(Gaude Paez)也证实了布兰妮将离开此档节目,但没有透露更多消息。
Cowell and fellow producers are discussing replacements for Spears and Reid and will be conferring with Fox, said a person who is familiar with the situation but lacked authority to comment publicly and insisted on anonymity.Demi Lovato is expected to return as a panelist, joining Cowell and the newcomers.
据相关人士透露,考威尔和其他制片人正在与FOX台商讨代替布兰妮和雷德的评委人选事宜。黛米·洛瓦托(Demi Lovato)有望重返此节目,和其他新面孔一起加入考威尔坐镇的评委席。
Spears, 31, said she was proud of the young "X Factor" contestants she helped counsel, but that watching them on stage each week made her miss performing."I can't wait to get back out there and do what I love most," she added.
When "X Factor" returns for its third season this fall, Cowell will attempt once again to match the success of the U.K. series he brought to America. After season one, Cowell replaced panelists Paula Abdul and Nicole Scherzinger and host Steve Jones, but Spears and Lovato didn't provide the hoped-for ratings spark, with Spears getting the brunt of criticism from observers.She received a reported $15 million for one season's work.
《X因素》第三季将于今年秋天回归,把英国版《X因素》搬到美国的考威尔又将企图复制英国版的成功。第一季后,考威尔换掉了评委宝拉·阿巴杜(Paula Abdul)、妮可·舒可辛格(Nicole Scherzinger)和主持人史蒂夫·琼斯(Steve Jones),取而代之的是布兰妮和洛瓦托。不过她们并没有带来预期的收视热潮,一季进账1500万美元的布兰妮的表现更是饱受诟病。
Although the series has failed to match Cowell's bold pre-debut predictions, and certainly hasn't eclipsed sister Fox show "American Idol," it has helped shore up the network's fall schedule.
尽管《X因素》未能给野心勃勃的考威尔带来预期的成功,也无法与FOX台的另一档选秀节目《美国偶像》(American Idol)匹敌,但它还是为FOX台的秋季档撑起了一片天。