The Lies and Truths of Pregnancy
1. You’re glowing!
1. 你很神采奕奕呀!
2. After the first trimester, your morning sickness will disappear!
2. 过了头三个月,你晨吐症状就会消失!
3. You don’t even look pregnant from the back!
3. 你从背后看起来不像有怀孕!
4. It all becomes “real” when you feel that first kick!
4. 当你感受到他第一次踢你时,终于有“真实”的感觉了!
5. Once the baby is born, you will totally forget the pain of labor.
5. 宝宝一旦出生,你就可以完全忘记分娩的痛苦。
6. The baby weight will just melt off once you start breastfeeding.
6. 怀孕时多出的体重会在你开始母乳喂养时减轻。
1. You’re sweating.
1. 你会焦躁不安。
2. It will be there in the second trimester. And the third. And maybe after you give birth.
2. 晨吐会持续到六个月,甚至九个月,又或者直到你分娩后。
3. LOL, whatever, you look pregnant from space.
4. Yes, if by “real” you mean “f**king freaky.”
4. 是的,如果你的“真实”意味着“去你的怪胎”(粗言无乱学噢~)
5. You will forget your children’s first names before you forget the pain of labor.
5. 在你(年老到)忘记孩子们的姓氏时,你就可以忘记分娩的痛苦了。
6. Yes, as long as you also stop eating.
6. 是的,只要你同时停止饮食。