"Vampire Diaries" star Kat Graham may be experimenting with dark magic and witchy voo-doo on The CW every Thursday night, but when she's not being Bonnie, she's having much more fun. Graham has just released the video for her latest single, "Wanna Say," from her debut EP "Against the Wall," and as usual, it's full of risky fashion choices and bold dancing.
Kat Graham在CW电视台每周四播出的美剧《吸血鬼日记》都要玩玩黑魔法,但是其实Graham会的可不只是Bonnie的那两招哦。Graham刚发布了自己EP《Against the Wall》中最新单曲《Wanna Say》的MV。这是一首时尚感十足、劲歌热舞型的MV。
Graham shows off her dance expertise in a routine that incorporates ballet, jazz.Looks like her "Vampire Diaries" costars are loving the new vid, too. "Holy hottie mama!" Nina Dobrev tweeted on Saturday. "Taking ballet to a whole new sexy... Can you teach me to sing and dance like that?"
在单曲中,Graham还凭借一段芭蕾、爵士混舞展露了自己的舞技。而且《吸血鬼日记》的其他演员似乎也都很喜欢哦。Nina Dobrev周六的时候再Twitter上说:“天哪!你把芭蕾跳得好性感...教我吧?”
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/read/201301/221517.shtml