"Bones" will be back next year. FOX has announced that the drama will return for season 9 for the 2013-2014 season.
"After more than 150 episodes, BONES continues to be one of television's most dynamic and consistent dramas," said Fox Chairman of Entertainment Kevin Reilly. "We at FOX, along with millions of zealous fans, look forward to seeing where the incredible creative team takes the series next season."
“在播出了150多集之后,《识骨寻踪》仍然是活跃在美剧中的一颗明星,”FOX电视网的Kevin Reilly说。“我们FOX电视网和所有热爱这部美剧的观众一起,继续期待该剧的创作团队为我们带来精彩的下一季。
Starring David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel, "Bones" has been one of FOX's strongest dramas over the past several years. The show just passed its 150th episode in December and will return with new episodes -- a double airing of "The Diamond in the Rough" (Booth and Brennan go undercover at a dance competition) and "The Archaeologist in the Cocoon" (an archaeologist with a questionable reputation dies right after making a major discovery) on Monday, Jan. 14 starting at 8pm.
David Boreanaz和
Emily Deschanel主演的《识骨寻踪》一直是
The Diamond in the Rough》和《
The Archaeologist in the Coccon》这两集将会在1月14号播出。
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/read/201301/220078.shtml