In a scene that played out like the plotline of a Samuel L. Jackson movie, some not-so-precious cargo made its way onto an Egypt Air flight. Yes, there was a snake on a plane.
But unlike the 2006 thriller Snakes on a Plane – in which Jackson takes charge on a reptile-rife voyage – the smuggled snake didn't cause any fatalities.
A 48-year old Jordanian man snuck the Egyptian cobra onto the 90-passenger flight from Cairo to Kuwait on Monday. After the snake bit him and began slithering through the aircraft, the plane made an emergency landing on the Red Sea in the resort town of Al Ghardaqah, reports The Jordan Times.
The man, identified as Akram Abdul Latif, ignored doctors' suggestions to wait 24 hours in a hospital for observation. (According to wildlife experts, reports CNN, cobra venom is lethal enough to kill a full-grown elephant in three hours or a human in 15 minutes.)
该男子名叫Akram Abdul Latif,忽视了医生的建议在医院接受观察24小时。(CNN报道,根据野生动物专家,眼镜蛇毒足以在三个小时内使一只成年大象或者在15分钟内使一个人死亡。)
The original flight finished its trip later on Monday morning after authorities confiscated the cobra, and Latif made his way to Kuwait that night.