Just when a cure for vampirisim was introduced on The Vampire Diaries, it was taken away -- for the time being, at least.
The death of vampire hunter Connor (Todd Williams) by Elena's (Nina Dobrev) hand was poetic. Not because he marked her very first kill, but his death stunted any movement of Stefan's (Paul Wesley) quest to find the cure, so she could be turned back into human form.
Here are the most notable revelations and teases from Plec, episode writer Michael Narducci and guest star Todd Williams about the impact of "The Killer" and beyond:
下面是来自制片Plec和编剧Narducci以及客串明星Todd Williams对第五集《杀手》以后剧情走向的透露:
1. Why have Elena's first kill be Connor and will he reappear?
"We knew it would happen in [episode] five and that it would be Connor," he said. "Something that I struggle with is I want Elena to do more things. I want her to not be a damsel in distress, I want her to go out and protect her brother." The episode also showed how unpredictable Elena has become. "She's dangerous now," Narducci said. "There are something about vampires; they do go off. Elena is one of them, so we have to show that dark side of what it is to be a vampire." And believe it or not, there is more of the hunter to come.
“我们知道这会在第五集发生而且会是康纳,”编剧Narducci说。“我在纠结想让埃琳娜做更多,我不想让她成为一个陷入困境中的年轻女人,我想让她出去并且可以保护她弟弟。”在这集中仍然展示了埃琳娜变成什么样是不可预料的“她现在很危险。” Narducci说。“吸血鬼有很多面,他们会爆发,改变。埃琳娜就是其中之一,所以我们要展示她变成吸血鬼的阴暗面。”不管你信不信,会有更多的猎人出现。
2. Will Elena forgive Stefan after finding out about his team-up with Klaus?
"She's mad at him. She definitely starts next really super mad at him," Plec said. "Forgiveness and understanding and learning the truth of what he's up to and what he was up to, all those things are ahead and we'll see how she handles it."
3. What are the effects of Elena's kill and how do her visions play into it?
Killing someone is one thing, but killing a hunter opens up a can of worms. "We learn, for the first time, that killing a hunter comes with a price," Plec teased, adding that viewers will discover the repercussions next week. "There's a weird consequence to it all that she's going to have to deal with that takes her to some dark, dark places."

4. Now that Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) has the mark on his hand, what does that mean for him?
"Right now, it's just the beginning of him being awakened," Plec revealed. "This is a hint that perhaps Connor was speaking the truth. We'll see where that goes next too." The question of what it means now that Jeremy has the mark and how it affects The Five will be addressed. "Professor Shane (David Alpay) starts to cross paths with our group next week with some answers."
5. Will Elena and Jeremy ever turn against each other?
"They're supernaturally predisposed to be in conflict and that's going to make Sunday dinner a little awkward," Plec joked.
- Elijah (Daniel Gillies) will likely return around the 16th/17th episodes of the season. "The scripts aren't written, the stories aren't broken but our game plan is to have him come in as we get closer to the last chapter of the year," Plec said. Original Kol (Nathaniel Buzolic) will also return.
- Diaries will get into the holiday spirit in an upcoming episode, set at a charity event with a "Winter Wonderland" theme. "The episode is very much about loyalty and relationships and some betrayals,"Plec teased.