A Thai zoo, which has hosted a couple of pandas for four years, will play "porn" videos for the male next month to encourage them to breed in captivity, the project manager said on Saturday。
The pair -- living chastely together at the zoo in the northern city of Chiang Mai since arriving from China in 2003 -- would be separated in December, but stay close enough for occasional glimpses of each other, said panda project chief Prasertsak Buntrakoonpoontawee。
据动物园的熊猫项目负责人Prasertsak Buntrakoonpoontawee介绍,这对大熊猫2003年从中国来到泰国北部城市清迈的这家动物园后就住在一起,但一直没有交配。下个月它俩将暂时分居一段时间,但它们会离得很近,偶尔可以见个面。
"They don't know how to mate so we need to show the male how, through videos," Prasertsak said。
He said Chuang Chuang, the six-year-old male, would be shown the videos on a large screen when he might be feeling amorous。
"We'll play the video at the most comfortable and intimate time for him, perhaps after dinner," Prasertsak said, hoping Chuang Chuang would then use the techniques on Lin Hui, a five-year-old female。
The zoo is hosting a four-day international panda conference that starts on Monday, drawing 200 wildlife and panda specialists from around the world。