The next generations of General Motors Co.'s GM +3.19% Cadillacs will have softer corners, dashboards with more gadgetry and plusher rear seats. The U.S. auto maker is tweaking the iconic American brand to make it more palatable to Chinese buyers and GM's Chinese partner, even though Cadillac hasn't sold strongly here.
通用汽车公司(General Motors Co.)未来几代的凯迪拉克轿车(Cadillac)将拥有更加柔和的拐角线条,仪表盘将增加更多装置,后排座椅也将更为豪华。这家美国汽车制造商正在调整这个标志性美国汽车品牌的车型设计,使其更合乎中国买家以及通用汽车中国合资伙伴的口味,尽管凯迪拉克在中国的销售并不强劲。
The redesign speaks to the growing influence of the partner, SAIC Motor Corp., 600104.SH -1.06% on GM's global strategy. Since pairing up with SAIC 15 years ago in a joint venture, GM has become the dominant foreign player in China, the world's second-biggest economy and busiest auto market. Along the way, GM helped rear SAIC into a full-fledged auto maker, with top-tier designers, engineers and marketers.
这次重新设计彰显出上海汽车集团股份有限公司(SAIC Motor Corp.,简称:上汽集团)对于通用汽车全球战略不断增长的影响力。自从15年前与上汽集团组建合资公司以来,通用汽车已成为中国这个全球第二大经济体及最大汽车市场上占主导地位的外国厂商。在此过程中,通用汽车也将上汽集团培养成一个羽翼丰满的汽车制造商,拥有一流的设计师、工程师和营销人员。
SAIC now wants to move onto the world stage, and GM must decide how much it wants to help.
Chinese law requires that foreign auto makers have local partners, and how GM manages its relationship with SAIC is crucial. The American auto maker needs SAIC to begin assembling Cadillacs in China so it can attack a luxury car market dominated by German car makers.
A successful partnership could lift GM's profits for years. But there is a risk for GM, too: SAIC could use GM expertise and technology to transform itself into a global auto powerhouse that challenges the American car maker down the road.
'Why do you rob a bank? Because that's where the money is,' says GM Chief Executive Dan Akerson. 'Why go to China? Because that's where the customers are.' He called the SAIC partnership his company's most important relationship around the world.
通用汽车首席执行长阿克森(Dan Akerson)说,为什么人们会去抢银行?因为银行里有钱;为什么我们要去中国?因为那里有客户。阿克森把与上汽集团的合作关系称作是通用汽车在全球最重要的关系。
This summer, SAIC opened North American headquarters in Birmingham, Mich., just 20 miles from GM's Detroit base. After years of explosive growth, China's auto market is cooling off. Yi Lu, president of SAIC USA Inc., called the growing importance of selling cars abroad a 'significant factor' in the decision to go to Michigan. SAIC currently sells no cars in the U.S.
今年夏天,上汽集团将其北美总部设在了美国密歇根州的伯明翰,距离通用汽车的底特律总部仅32公里。在经历了多年的爆炸性增长后,中国汽车市场开始逐渐降温。上汽集团美国公司(SAIC USA Inc.)的总裁鲁易(音)说,将汽车销往海外变得越来越重要,这是上汽集团决定去美国密歇根州的重要因素。上汽集团目前并没有在美国销售汽车。
This isn't SAIC's first foray outside China. A decade ago, it took a small stake in a venture GM had in Korea. In 2010, as GM was still limping out of bankruptcy, the U.S. auto maker agreed to a joint venture with SAIC in India.
But SAIC wants more from its American friend.
The Chinese company wants to set up operations in Latin America and Europe, two markets where GM has longtime operations. And China wants access to advanced electric-car technology, which GM wants to safeguard.
GM has yet to decide how far it will go. 'It's kind of like a marriage,' Mr. Akerson said. 'We have a good and viable relationship and partnership. But to make it work, you have to have needs on both sides of the table, not just wants.'
GM, which sells some vehicles with SAIC in Latin America, is considering expanding the partnership there. Mr. Akerson has discussed with senior executives the possibility of expanding with SAIC into Southeast Asia, according to people close to the company. But GM has no plans to follow on SAIC's request for help in setting up a dealership network in Europe for one of its brands, a person close to GM said.
A spokeswoman for SAIC in Shanghai said that the companies 'have established a good and enduring relationship based on a foundation of mutual benefit.' The venture, she added, 'is a model for successful cooperation in China and even the world.'
GM can ill afford to alienate SAIC. GM's joint ventures with SAIC Motor Corp., a separate alliance between GM and FAW Group Corp., and a further alliance involving GM, SAIC and Wuling Automobile Co. together sold 2.5 million vehicles in 2011. It posted $30 billion in revenue, and $3.2 billion in profit, of which GM received about $1.5 billion. GM reported profit from all its operations of $7.6 billion last year.
通用汽车可能难以承受与上汽集团的疏远。去年,双方的合资企业、通用汽车与中国第一汽车集团公司(FAW Group Corp.)的合资企业,以及通用汽车、上汽集团和五菱汽车(Wuling Automobile Co.)的合资企业在中国共销售了250万辆汽车,实现收入300亿美元,利润32亿美元,其中通用汽车获利约15亿美元。通用汽车去年所有业务共实现利润76亿美元。
And GM is still waiting to get the blessing of Chinese authorities to regain control of a 1% stake in Shanghai GM that will boost its ownership back to 50%. GM used the asset to get SAIC's help in obtaining a $400 million line of credit in 2009 when GM desperately needed cash.
Other Western companies with presence in China are facing similar challenges as the powerful Chinese partners they helped create want to expand overseas after building muscles at home.
Siemens AG SIE.XE +0.63% of Germany and Bombardier Inc. BBD.B.T +0.55% of Canada, which both transferred bullet-train technologies to China, are confronting Chinese rivals on overseas markets including the U.S., Saudi Arabia and Brazil. After being an apprentice to Russian and French nuclear engineering companies, China is now eying exports of nuclear reactors.
德国西门子公司(Siemens AG)和加拿大庞巴迪公司(Bombardier Inc.)都曾将子弹头列车技术转让给中国,如今它们在美国、沙特阿拉伯和巴西等海外市场上开始遇到中国对手的竞争。在给俄罗斯和法国核工程公司当过学徒之后,中国目前瞄上了核反应堆的出口。
GM's first move into modern China was a dud. By the time GM decided to get into the market, in 1992, Beijing had just shut the door to new passenger-car joint ventures; Volkswagen AG VOW3.XE +0.93% and French car maker PSA Peugeot UG.FR +5.30% Citroën made the cut.
Volkswagen AG)和法国汽车制造商雪铁龙集团(
PSA Peugeot-