Chinese film director Chen Kaige's 'Sacrifice,' a story of bloody murder and long-plotted revenge set against the sumptuous backdrop of an ancient Chinese court, is set to premier in U.S. theaters nationwide later this month in yet another attempt to bridge the gap between the Chinese and U.S. cinema markets.
Mr. Chen, who catapulted to international fame following his 1993 film 'Farewell My Concubine,' said he doesn't expect 'Sacrifice' will be a box office smash in the U.S. 'U.S. audiences don't like subtitles,' he said, noting also that most artistic films fall flat with viewers who go to the movies for less demanding entertainment.
继《霸王别姬》(Farewell My Concubine)在1993年上映之后,陈凯歌在国际影坛声名鹊起。对于《赵氏孤儿》,陈凯歌称他预计该片在美国的上座率不会太高。他说,“美国观众不喜欢看字幕。”他还指出,大多数艺术电影都不能吸引为获得更轻松的娱乐享受而去看电影的观众的兴趣。
If it doesn't shine, 'Sacrifice' will join a growing procession of Chinese films that failed to engage Western audiences or gain overseas commercial success. Zhang Yimou's 'Flowers of War,' released in the U.S. in January, aimed to strike it big with U.S. movie-goers, tapping A-list actor Christian Bale to star as the main character in the story of schoolgirls trapped in Nanjing during the Japanese occupation. Yet the film only brought in $311, 434 at box offices in North America, according to online box office reporting service Box Office Mojo. (Mr. Zhang also downplayed prospects for his film in the U.S. prior to its release there.)
如果《赵氏孤儿》的表现不够出众,那么它将成为越来越多的一批未能吸引西方观众或是未在海外获得商业成功的中国影片之一。其中,张艺谋执导的《金陵十三钗》(Flowers of War)于今年1月份在美国上映,该片讲述了一群中国女学生在日军占领南京期间受困于城内的故事。该片请来大牌影星克里斯蒂安•贝尔(Christian Bale)担纲男主角,目的是要大举吸引美国观众。然而,据票房网站Box Office Mojo统计,该片在北美地区仅收获311, 434美元票房。(在《金陵十三钗》于美国上映之前,张艺谋对该片的票房前景也未寄予厚望。)
'Sacrifice,' made $30 million in China's box offices, according to film research firm EntGroup, jostling for space with the popular Chinese Western 'Let the Bullets Fly,' which made $85 million.
媒体研究公司艺恩咨询(EntGroup Inc)的数据显示,《赵氏孤儿》在中国收获了3000万美元票房,同期与其竞争的还包括大受欢迎的颇具西部片风格的中国国产电影《让子弹飞》(Let the Bullets Fly),该片创下了8500万美元票房的成绩。
Mr. Chen says commercial success is a secondary consideration, though his most recent film, modern-era Internet drama 'Caught in the Web,' has raked in audiences in its first two weeks in China's theaters. The important thing is to make films that 'say something about the spirit of the Chinese people' he said, as China Real Time caught up with him to discuss Hollywood popcorn, Chinese politics and the movies he still wants to make.
陈凯歌执导的现代题材新片《搜索》(Caught in the Web)讲述了由网络人肉搜索引发的一系列故事,该片在上映头两周获得了很高的上座率。但是,他说商业上的成功只是次要因素,重要的是要拍出“展现中国人精神”的电影。
Here are edited excerpts:
China Real Time: How do you think Sacrifice will be received by U.S. movie-goers?
Mr. Chen: I'm not so sure it'll work for American audiences. So why did I pick this project? With the great progress China has made in the last three decades, we're sort of proud of what we did, but there is another side.
Look at Beijing─I grew up here, but now I come here and am a stranger. I don't want to identify myself as someone who is from Beijing and to me it's a shame, really a shame. They give you a new Beijing and let the old one die. I totally disagree with this, because the soul of the city is gone with the physical stuff. We pay very little attention to what we respect and what we loved in the past with our culture.
So that's why I want to pick up this project to tell people who we used to be in our past.
China's film industry now has bigger budgets to work with, but it is still tough to compete with Hollywood blockbusters?
What I can say is that we need to develop the market, if we want people to watch a variety of films; you need a variety of audience. This is a like a chain. Young people under 20, they go to McDonalds, they drink Coca Cola, they wear Nike and they watch Hollywood movies.
You can't imagine the kids will say to you, 'Let's go to McDonalds, and then let's go to the Peking Opera.' No way. It's natural the young kids want to watch U.S. movies. The U.S movies are providing something interesting high technology, a feast of visual and sound effects, it's like playing a game.
What can we do? We are facing a big challenge from the invasion of Hollywood films. I think we should stay with the situation. We don't need to be scared or screaming like crazy saying 'The wolf is here!' I feel we should make more stories people can relate to and not just make big films to compete with Hollywood. You can have your own story to tell, which is wonderful.