Chinese state media have lashed out at Hillary Clinton, US secretary of state, after she warned African leaders about co-operation with countries who want to exploit the continent's resources.
中国官方媒体对美国国务卿希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)进行了猛烈的抨击,此前希拉里警告非洲领导人在与那些企图攫取非洲资源的国家合作时要谨慎。
On a tour of sub-Saharan Africa to promote political stability, Mrs Clinton said this week that the US would stand up for democracy and universal human rights, "even when it might be easier or more profitable to look the other way, to keep the resources flowing".
"Not every partner makes that choice, but we do and we will," she said, without naming China, in a speech delivered in Senegal.
The "implication that China has been extracting Africa's wealth for itself is utterly wide of the truth", a commentary from Beijing's official Xinhua news agency said on Friday of Mrs Clinton's comment that the US was committed to a model that "adds value rather than extracts it".
Mrs Clinton's words offered "cheap shots" and were part of "a plot to sow discord between China [and] Africa" for the US's "selfish gain", said Xinhua. It added that her trip was part of a hidden agenda, "aimed at least partly at discrediting China's engagement with the continent and curbing China's influence there".
Mrs Clinton's 11-day trip to Africa comes as China continues to gain influence in markets across the continent – home to vast resource wealth and some of the world's fastest-growing countries.
While President Barack Obama unveiled a new Africa strategy in June, focusing on democracy, economic growth, security and development, China has promised Africa $20bn in loans in the next three years.
美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)今年6月推出了以民主、经济增长、安全与发展为核心的非洲新战略,而中国已承诺在未来3年内向非洲提供200亿美元贷款。
China, which put Sino-African trade at $166bn last year, overtook the US as Africa's largest partner three years ago.
"There is a general sense that China appears to be eclipsing America in Africa," said Comfort Ero, Africa programme director at the International Crisis Group. "This is her [Mrs Clinton's] second big pitch to try to sell the differences between the US and China in a positive way, suggesting the US has Africa's interests at heart and is genuinely concerned with progress around democracy, and that China is only interested in grabbing resources," said Ms Ero, referring to a visit by Mrs Clinton to Africa last year.
国际危机组织(International Crisis Group)非洲项目主任康福特•埃罗(Comfort Ero)表示,"外界普遍认为,中国在非洲似乎正让美国黯然失色。"埃罗谈到希拉里去年的非洲之行时表示,"这是希拉里为了积极推销美中不同之处而发表的第二个重大讲话,暗示美国才在乎非洲的权益,真正关心非洲在民主方面取得进步,而中国唯一感兴趣的是攫取资源。"
Mrs Clinton, whose trip takes in Senegal, Uganda, South Sudan, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa and Ghana, was accompanied by a large US business delegation, and stressed Africa's economic potential. "We believe that if you want to make a good investment in the midst of what is still a very difficult global economy, go to Africa," she said during the same speech.
She voiced fears that the continent was "backsliding" on democracy.
Meanwhile, she has faced criticism over her close relationship with President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda, whose army makes up the bulk of a heavily US-funded African Union force that fights Islamist militants in Somalia, but who has refused to step down.
同时,希拉里因为与乌干达总统约韦里•穆塞韦尼(Yoweri Museveni)关系密切而遭受批评。在主要由美国资助、正在索马里与伊斯兰主义武装分子交战的非盟(African Union)军队中,该国军队构成主力,而他一直拒绝下台。
The US focus on governance is "inconsistent and shifts with its interests", said Daniel Kalinaki, managing editor of Uganda's Daily Monitor newspaper. After 2010 bombings in Uganda, carried out by al-Qaeda-linked, Somalia-based militants, "all the talk of democracy was suddenly replaced by talk about regional security and Somalia".
乌干达《箴言报》(Daily Monitor )执行主编丹尼尔•卡利纳吉(Daniel Kalinaki)表示,"美国对治理的关注是出尔反尔的,随着其自身利益的变化而变化"。在与基地组织有关联、以索马里为大本营的武装分子2010年在乌干达制造多起爆炸事件之后,"所有关于民主的言论突然被有关地区安全和索马里的言论取代了。"
Mrs Clinton met Mr Museveni and President Salva Kiir of South Sudan on Friday, stressing the need for strong institutions and adherence to the constitution. She is due to meet President Mwai Kibaki of Kenya on Saturday before travelling to Malawi and then South Africa.
希拉里上周五会见了南苏丹总统萨尔瓦•基尔(Salva Kiir),强调了建立强大制度和遵守宪法的必要性。她计划周六会见肯尼亚总统姆瓦伊•齐贝吉(Mwai Kibaki),然后启程前往马拉维,之后再造访南非。
Additional reporting by Kathrin Hille in Beidaihe, China
Kathrin Hille)中国北戴河补充报道