Sports architects are often asked to create athletic temples that will last for decades. The new Olympic Stadium that will be on display in London over the next three weeks was designed with a different future in mind: disassembly.
Hoping to avoid the now familiar trap of building an Olympic Stadium with little future purpose-like Beijing's spectacular Bird's Nest, which these days hosts winter sledding events and not much else-organizers of the 2012 London Games asked sports-architecture firm Populous to design a stadium that could be downsized and remade for a different future use.
The result is a stadium with 25,000 seats that are meant to be permanent and 55,000 that can be easily removed after the Games.
A Poser
Rod Sheard, senior principal at Populous, says his firm was intrigued and perplexed by the assignment. 'Philosophically, when we first heard it, we thought, 'That's really good,' ' says Mr. Sheard. 'We'd seen Beijing and seen how you do it when money is no object. Quite clearly London wasn't going to be able to do that.'
Populous首席建筑师谢尔德(Rod Sheard)说,接到这个任务时,公司不知怎么办才好。他说,我们刚听到这个要求时,我们认为它的理念真的很不错。大家都看到了北京的例子,知道了不差钱的话可以达到何种效果,不过伦敦显然不打算采用这种方式。
Architects, however, aren't wired for impermanence. 'We're bred with this attitude that your buildings last for 50 years, and the whole judgment of a building in architectural terms is firmness and delight,' Mr. Sheard says. 'That was the original Greek philosophy.'
As a consequence, he says, 'we didn't have the foggiest idea of how you go about it.'
No Fear
Populous has built a reputation as one of the pillars of modern sports architecture with prominent projects like the Olympic Stadium in Sydney, a fleet of European soccer pitches including the Arsenal club's Emirates Stadium in London, and U.S. ballparks including the new Yankee Stadium and Camden Yards in Baltimore. But it needed a whole new mind-set for the London job.
Populous设计了许多现代体育场馆,拥有极高的知名度。该公司的作品包括悉尼奥运馆、多个欧洲足球场(如伦敦兵工厂足球俱乐部(Arsenal club)的酋长球场(Emirates Stadium))以及一些美国棒球场(如新的洋基体育馆(Yankee Stadium)和位于巴尔迪莫的金莺公园(Camden Yards))。但是,为了完成伦敦交给它的任务,Populous需要一个全新的思路。
'We had to embrace the temporary,' Mr. Sheard says. 'Not be afraid of the temporary. It wasn't a limitation on what we could do, but an opportunity.'
The temporary aesthetic gave Populous the freedom to 'start thinking about doing the building in a completely different way from anything we'd ever done before, even down to things like materials and colors,' Mr. Sheard says. 'Why do most of our buildings not have a lot of color in them? It's because UV light decimates colors. Architects shy away from colors because within five years they look like a faded version of what they were.' Freed from that concern, Populous could use a broader palette for the stadium.
It also could save money by using 'fabrics that have a very short life span and are very reasonably priced,' says Mr. Sheard. Additional money was saved by putting fewer permanent concession stands inside the stadium and instead relying on temporary facilities just outside the building.
A Weighty Debate
The stadium also contains a fraction of the steel used by its Beijing counterpart, making it lighter than any previous main Olympic stadium, according to Mr. Sheard.
The debate over whether all these innovations add up to lightweight architecture surely will outlive the building's original form, if not its very existence.
'The Olympic Stadium here is an almost obvious, in-your-face example of a building that doesn't need to be there forever,' Mr. Sheard says. 'Some people say, 'This isn't even a real building. It's not an icon.' And other people are saying it's a new kind of icon, a 21st-century icon.'
Icon or not, the stadium has an uncertain future. The process of choosing a post-Olympic tenant and a new configuration for the building has been bogged down by an extended and sometimes controversial bidding process.
Four bidders are currently vying to take control of the stadium, including two soccer teams, a soccer college and a company that would stage Formula One auto races in the stadium and on surrounding roadways. A winner will be picked in the fall.